

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call opens the mouse device for the current session. 
 MouOpen   (DriverName, DeviceHandle) 
 DriverName (PSZ) - input 
    DriverName is a far pointer to an ASCIIZ string in application storage 
    containing the name of the pointer draw device driver to be used as 
    the pointer-image drawing routine for this session. 
    The name of the device driver must be included in the CONFIG.SYS file 
    at system start-up time.  Applications that use the default pointer 
    draw device driver supplied by the system must push a double-word of 
    0s in place of an address. 
    DriverName has a different definition when the caller is the Base 
    Video Subsystem (BVS).  In this case the selector portion of the far 
    address is zero.  The offset portion is non-zero and contains a 
    display configuration number (sequentially numbered where 1 is the 
    first display configuration).  The MouOpen call issued by BVS is 
    executed on the VioSetMode path.  Using the display configuration 
    number passed on the MouOpen call, the Base Mouse Subsystem can detect 
    a change in display configurations.  This form of the MouOpen call is 
    not recommended for applications.  Applications should either push the 
    far address of an ASCIIZ pointer draw device driver name or push two 
    words of zeros. 
 DeviceHandle (PHMOU) - output 
    Address of a 1-word value that represents the mouse handle returned to 
    the application. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    385       ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DEVICE 
    466       ERROR_MOU_DETACHED 
    505       ERROR_MOU_EXTENDED_SG 
 MouOpen initializes the Mouse functions to a known state.  The 
 application may have to issue additional mouse functions to establish the 
 environment it desires.  For example, after the MouOpen, the collision 
 area is defined to be the size of the entire display. Therefore, to get 
 the pointer to be displayed, the application must issue a MouDrawPtr to 
 remove the collision area. 
 The state of the mouse after the first MouOpen is: 
 o Row/Col scale factors set to 16/8. (See MouSetScaleFact.) 
 o All events reported.  (See MouSetEventMask.) 
 o Empty event queue.  (See MouReadEventQue and MouGetNumQueEl.) 
 o All user settable Device Status bits reset.  (Set to zero.  See 
 o Pointer set to center of screen if valid display mode is set.  (See 
 o Pointer shape set to the default for the pointer device driver 
   currently registered in the session. (See MouSetPtrShape.) 
 o Collision area equal to full screen.  (See MouDrawPtr and 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs