

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call reads an event from the mouse device FIFO event queue, and 
places it in a structure provided by the application. 
 MouReadEventQue     (Buffer, ReadType, DeviceHandle) 
 Buffer (PMOUEVENTINFO) - output 
    Address of the status of the mouse event queue. 
    moustate (USHORT) 
       State of the mouse at the time of the event. 
       Bit       Description 
       15-7      Reserved, set to zero. 
       6         Set if button 3 is down. 
       5         Set if mouse is moving and button 3 is down. 
       4         Set if button 2 is down. 
       3         Set if mouse is moving and button 2 is down. 
       2         Set if button 1 is down. 
       1         Set if mouse is moving and button 1 is down. 
       0         Set if mouse is moving and no buttons are down. 
    eventtime (ULONG) 
       Time stamp (in milliseconds) since the system was started. 
    row (USHORT) 
       Absolute or relative row position. 
    col (USHORT) 
       Absolute or relative column position. 
 ReadType (PUSHORT) - input 
    Address of the action to take when MouReadEventQue is issued and the 
    mouse event queue is empty. If the mouse event queue is not empty, 
    this parameter is not examined by the mouse support.  ReadType values 
    Value     Definition 
    0         No Wait for data on empty queue (return a NULL record) 
    1         WAIT for data on empty queue. 
 DeviceHandle (HMOU) - input 
    Handle of the mouse device from a previous MouOpen. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    385       ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DEVICE 
    387       ERROR_MOUSE_INV_PARMS 
    393       ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DATA 
    466       ERROR_MOU_DETACHED 
    505       ERROR_MOU_EXTENDED_SG 
 The types of queued events are directly affected by the current value of 
 the Mouse EventMask.  MouSetEventMask is used to indicate the types of 
 events desired, and MouGetEventMask is used to query the current value of 
 the mask.  Refer to these functions for further explanation of the 
 masking of events. 
 Recognition of the mouse transition depends on the use of MouState 
 returned in the event record.  The application should focus on bit 
 transitions that occur in this word.  It is important to properly set the 
 event mask with MouSetEventMask for reporting the state transitions. 
 MouState reports the state of the mouse that resulted from the action 
 that caused the event.  The action can be pressing or releasing a button, 
 and/or moving the mouse.  All status is given, regardless of the 
 EventMask that was used to determine whether or not to report the event. 
 For example, assume the EventMask indicates that the application wishes 
 only button 1 event.  The EventMask has only bits 1 and 2 set in this 
 case.  Also assume the current state of the mouse is no buttons down, and 
 mouse is not moving.  At this point, button 1 is pressed causing an 
 event; the status shows button 1 down (bit 2 set).  Next the mouse is 
 moved, thereby causing more events; status shows bit 1 set.  Finally, 
 mouse is stopped and button 1 is released.  The event shows status with 
 no bits set. 
 Next, button 2 is pressed.  No event occurs.  Mouse is then moved; again, 
 no event.  Then, while mouse is still in motion, button 1 is pressed; an 
 event is generated with bits 1 and 3 set in the state word. While mouse 
 is still in motion, both buttons are released.  Because button 1 changes 
 states, an event occurs.  The state word has bit 0 set.  Finally, mouse 
 is stopped.  No event occurs, again because no button 1 transition has 
 taken place. 
 The Row and Column fields in the Buffer Parameter may contain either 
 absolute display coordinates or relative mouse motion in mickeys. See 
 MouSetDevStatus for additional  information. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs