

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call allows a process to notify the mouse device driver that the area 
defined by the passed parameters is for the exclusive use of the 
application.  This area is defined as the collision area and is not 
available to the mouse device driver when drawing pointer images. 
 MouRemovePtr    (PtrArea, DeviceHandle) 
 PtrArea (PNOPTRRECT) - input 
    Address of the pointer shape collision area structure: 
    leftrow (USHORT) 
       Upper left row coordinate (pels or characters). 
    leftcol (USHORT) 
       Upper left column coordinate (pels or characters). 
    rightrow (USHORT) 
       Lower right row coordinate (pels or characters). 
    rightcol (USHORT) 
       Lower right column coordinate (pels or characters). 
 DeviceHandle (HMOU) - input 
    Handle of the mouse device from a previous MouOpen. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    385       ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DEVICE 
    387       ERROR_MOUSE_INV_PARMS 
    466       ERROR_MOU_DETACHED 
    505       ERROR_MOU_EXTENDED_SG 
 MouRemovePtr may be issued by any process in the session. However, only 
 one collision area is active at a time. Each MouRemovePtr command has the 
 effect of resetting the collision area to the location and area specified 
 by the current command. 
 If the logical pointer position is outside of the collision area 
 specified by the latest MouRemovePtr command, the pointer image is drawn. 
 The MouDrawPtr command effectively cancels the  MouRemovePtr command and 
 allows the pointer to be drawn anywhere on the screen, until a new 
 MouRemovePtr command is issued. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs