

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call creates the specified named pipe and returns its handle. 
 DosMakeNmPipe       (PipeName, PipeHandle, OpenMode, PipeMode, 
                     OutBufSize, InBufSize, TimeOut) 
 PipeName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the ASCIIZ name of the pipe to be opened.  Pipes are named 
 PipeHandle (PHPIPE) - output 
    Address of the handle of the named pipe that is created. 
 OpenMode (USHORT) - input 
    The OpenMode parameter contains the following bit fields: 
    Bit       Description 
    15        Reserved and must be zero. 
    14        Write-Through flag:  The file is opened as follows: 
              0 = Write-behind to remote pipes is allowed. 
              1 = Write-behind to remote pipes is not allowed. 
              Setting the Write-Through flag is meaningful only for a 
              remote pipe. Occasionally, data written to a remote pipe is 
              buffered locally and then sent across the network to the 
              pipe at a later time. Setting the Write-Through bit ensures 
              that data is sent to the remote pipe as soon as it is 
    13-8      Reserved and must be zero. 
    7         Inheritance flag:  The file handle is as follows: 
              0 = Pipe handle is inherited by a spawned process resulting 
              from a DosExecPgm call. 
              1 = Pipe handle is private to the current process and cannot 
              be inherited. 
    6-2       Reserved and must be zero. 
    1-0       Access field:  The pipe access is assigned as follows: 
              00 = In-bound pipe (client to server) 
              01 = Out-bound pipe (server to client) 
              10 = Duplex pipe (server to/from client) 
              Any other value is invalid. 
 PipeMode (USHORT) - input 
    The PipeMode parameter contains the following bit fields: 
    Bit       Description 
    15        Blocking flag:  The pipe is defined as follows: 
              0 = Reads/Writes block if no data available. 
              1 = Reads/Writes return immediately if no data available. 
              Reads normally block until at least partial data can be 
              returned.  Writes by default block until all bytes requested 
              have been written.  Non-blocking mode (1) changes this 
              behavior as follows: 
              DosRead returns immediately with error NO_DATA if no data is 
              DosWrite returns immediately with BytesWritten = 0 if 
              insufficient buffer space is available in the pipe or the 
              entire data area is transferred. 
    14-11     Reserved and must be zero. 
    10        Type of named pipe:  The pipe is defined as follows: 
              0 = Pipe is a byte stream pipe. 
              1 = Pipe is a message stream pipe. 
              All writes to message stream pipes record the length of the 
              write along with the written data (see DosWrite).  The first 
              two bytes of each message represents the length of that 
              message and is called the message header.  A header of all 
              zeros is reserved.  Zero length messages are not allowed 
              (OS/2 no-ops zero-length I/Os). 
    9         Reserved and must be zero. 
    8         Read mode:  The pipe is defined as follows: 
              0 = Read pipe as a byte stream. 
              1 = Read pipe as a message stream. 
              Message pipes can be read as byte or message streams, 
              depending on this bit.  Byte pipes can only be read as byte 
              streams (see DosRead) 
    7-0       ICount field (Instance count):  Byte wide (8-bit) count to 
              control pipe instances.  When making the first instance of a 
              named pipe, ICount specifies how many instances can be 
              created. Instances are as follows: 
       Value               Definition 
        1                  This can be the only instance (pipe is unique). 
        1 < value < 255    The number of instances is limited to the value 
       -1                  The number of instances is unlimited. 
        0                  Reserved value. 
              Subsequent attempts to make a pipe fails if the maximum 
              number of allowed instances already exists.  The ICount 
              parameter is ignored when making any other than the first 
              instance of a pipe.  When multiple instances are allowed, 
              multiple clients can simultaneously issue  DosOpen to the 
              same pipe name and get handles to distinct pipe instances. 
 OutBufSize (USHORT) - input 
    An advisory to the system of the number of bytes to allocate for the 
    outgoing buffer. 
 InBufSize (USHORT) - input 
    An advisory to the system of the number of bytes to allocate for the 
    incoming buffer. 
 TimeOut (ULONG) - input 
    Default value for the TimeOut parameter to DosWaitNmPipe.  This value 
    may be set only at the creation of the first instance of the pipe 
    name.  If the value is zero, a system wide default value (50 ms) is 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    3         ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 
    231       ERROR_PIPE_BUSY 
 A named pipe provides two-way communication between a server process and 
 a number of client processes. In addition, the named pipe can have 
 multiple instances created by multiple server processes. 
 The server creates the pipe with DosMakeNmPipe.  The ICount parameter is 
 significant only for the first instance created of the named pipe. The 
 ASCIIZ name string specified for the named pipe must include the prefix 
 After creating the named pipe, the server issues DosConnectNmPipe to wait 
 for a client to open the pipe with DosOpen. If all instances of a named 
 pipe are busy, a client process can issue DosWaitNmPipe and wait for an 
 instance to become available before it reissues DosOpen. A client can 
 determine whether the pipe is ready to accept a DosOpen by issuing 
 DosPeekNmPipe to return the pipe's state. 
 Server and client processes communicate by issuing DosRead, 
  DosReadAsync, DosWrite, and DosWriteAsync calls.  DosBufReset can be 
 used to to synchronize read and write dialogs. A server process that need 
 to support a large number of clients for a local named pipe can 
 coordinate access to the pipe with DosSetNmPipeSem and DosQNmPipeSemState 
 Server and client processes can also communicate by means of transaction 
 and procedure calls.  DosTransactNmPipe and DosCallNmPipe are supported 
 only for duplex message pipes. 
 Issuing DosClose ends the client's access to the named pipe. To prepare 
 the pipe for its next client, the server process issues 
 DosDisConnectNmPipe followed by DosConnectNmPipe. 
 When all handles to one end of the pipe are closed, the pipe is 
 considered broken.  If the pipe is broken and the server issues DosClose, 
 the pipe is immediately deallocated. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs