

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call is issued by the server process and enables the named pipe to be 
by a client. 
 DosConnectNmPipe      (Handle) 
 Handle (HPIPE) - input 
    Handle of the named pipe that is returned by DosMakeNmPipe. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    95        ERROR_INTERRUPT 
    109       ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE 
    230       ERROR_BAD_PIPE 
 The server process, which creates the named pipe with DosMakeNmPipe, 
 prepares the pipe so that it can accept a DosOpen from a client.  To 
 prepare the pipe for its first client, the server issues 
 DosConnectNmPipe.  To prepare the pipe for the next client, the server 
 issues DosDisConnectNmPipe followed by DosConnectNmPipe. 
 When DosConnectNmPipe returns, the pipe is in a listening state. A 
 DosOpen to a pipe that is not in a listening state fails.  A client can 
 determine the pipe's state by issuing DosPeekNmPipe. 
 If the client end of the pipe is currently open, DosConnectNmPipe returns 
 immediately and has no effect. If the client end is not open, 
 DosConnectNmPipe either waits until it is open (if blocking mode is set) 
 or else returns immediately with ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED (if 
 non-blocking mode is set). In the case where ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED is 
 returned, the pipe enters a listening state, permitting a client to issue 
 a successful DosOpen. 
 If the pipe has been closed by a previous client but is not disconnected 
 by the server, DosConnectNmPipe always returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE. 
  Multiple DosConnectNmPipe calls can be issued in non-blocking mode; the 
 first one puts the pipe into a listening state (if it is not already open 
 or closing), and subsequent ones simply test the pipe state. 
 If DosConnectNmPipe is called by the client end of the pipe, 
 ERROR_BAD_PIPE is returned.  If the wait (in blocking mode only) for the 
 client open is interrupted, the ERROR_INTERRUPT is returned. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs