

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call forces a named pipe to close. 
 DosDisConnectNmPipe      (Handle) 
 Handle (HPIPE) - input 
    Handle of the named pipe that is returned by DosMakeNmPipe. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    109       ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE 
    230       ERROR_BAD_PIPE 
 The server process of a named pipe issues DosDisConnectNmPipe followed by 
 DosConnectNmPipe to prepare the pipe for the next client. 
 If the client end of the pipe is open when DosDisConnectNmPipe is issued, 
 it is forced to close, and the client gets an error code on its next 
 operation. Forcing the client end to close may cause data to be discarded 
 that has not yet been read by the client.  If the client end is currently 
 closing (DosClose has been issued), DosDisConnectNmPipe acknowledges the 
 close and makes the pipe available to be opened by the next client after 
 a DosConnectNmPipe is issued. 
 A client that gets forced off a pipe by a DosDisConnectNmPipe must issue 
 DosClose to free the handle resource. Although DosDisConnectNmPipe makes 
 the client's handle invalid, it does not free the client's handle. 
 Any threads that are blocked on the pipe are awakened by 
 DosDisConnectNmPipe.  A thread blocked on the pipe by a DosWrite returns 
 ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE.  A thread blocked on the pipe by a DosRead returns 
 BytesRead = 0, indicating EOF. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs