
DIR - Display directories

 Purpose:    Display information about files and subdirectories. 
 Format:     DIR [/1 /2 /4 /A[[:][-]rhsda] /B /D /E /F /G /H /I"text" /J 
             /K /L /M /N /O[[:][-]adeginrsu] /P /R /S /T[:acw] /U /V /W 
             /Z] [file ...] 
             file :  The file, directory, or list of files or directories 
             to display. 
             /1 (one column)                 /L(ower case) 
             /2 (two columns)                /M (suppress footer) 
             /4 (four columns)               /N(ew format) 
             /A(ttribute select)             /O(rder) 
             /B(are)                         /P(ause) 
             /D(isable color coding)         /R (disable wRap) 
             /E (use upper case)             /S(ubdirectories) 
             /F(ull path)                    /T (aTtribute) or (Time) 
             /G (allocated size)             /U (sUmmary information) 
             /H(ide dots)                    /V(ertical sort) 
             /I (match descriptions)         /W(ide) 
             /J(ustify names)                /Z (use FAT format) 
             /K (suppress header)            
 File Selection 
 Supports extended wildcards, ranges, multiple file names, and include 
 DIR can be used to display information about files from one or more of 
 your disk directories, in a wide range of formats.  Depending on the 
 options chosen, you can display the file name, attributes, and size; the 
 time and date of the last change to the file; the file description; and 
 the file's compression ratio.  You can also display information in 1, 2, 
 4, 5, or more columns, sort the files several different ways, use color 
 to distinguish file types, and pause after each full screen. 
 The various DIR displays are controlled through options or switches.  The 
 best way to learn how to use the many options available with the DIR 
 command is to experiment.  You will soon know which options you want to 
 use regularly.  You can select those options permanently by using the 
 ALIAS command. 
 For example, to display all the files in the current directory, in 2 
 columns, sorted vertically (down one column then down the next), and with 
 a pause at the end of each page: 

         [c:\] dir /2/p/v
 To set up this format as the default, using an alias: 

         [c:\] alias dir=*dir /2/p/v
 When you use DIR on an HPFS drive, you must quote any file names which 
 contain whitespace or special characters.  See File Names for additional 
 The following sections group DIR's features together in several 
 categories.  Many of the sections move from a general discussion to more 
 technical material.  If you find some of the information in a category 
 too detailed for your needs, feel free to skip to the beginning of the 
 next section.  The sections are: 
            Selecting Files 
            Default DIR Output Format 
            Switching Formats 
            Multiple Column Displays 
            Color-Coded Directories 
            Redirected Output 
            Other Notes 
 Selecting Files 
 DIR can display information about a single file or about several, dozens, 
 hundreds, or thousands of files at once.  To display information about a 
 single file, just add the name of the file to the DIR command line: 

         [c:\] dir january.wks
 The simplest way to view information about several files at once is to 
 use wildcards.  DIR can work with traditional wildcard characters (* and 
 ?) and the extended wildcards.  For example to display all of the .WKS 
 files in the current directory: 

         [c:\] dir *.wks
 To display all .TXT files whose names begin with A, B, or C: 

         [c:\] dir [abc]*.txt
 If you don't specify a filename, DIR defaults to *.* on traditional FAT 
 drives, and * on HPFS drives.  This default displays all non-hidden files 
 and subdirectories in the current directory. 
 If you link two or more filenames together with spaces, DIR will display 
 all of the files that match the first name and then all of the files that 
 match the second name.  You may use a different drive and path for each 
 filename.  This example lists all of the .WKS and then all of the .WK1 
 files in the current directory: 

         [c:\] dir *.wks *.wk1
 If you use an include list to link multiple filenames, DIR will display 
 the matching filenames in a single listing.  Only the first filename in 
 an include list can have a path; the other files must be in the same 
 path.  This example displays the same files as the previous example, but 
 the .WKS and .WK1 files are intermixed: 

         [c:\] dir *.wks;*.wk1
 You can include files in the current or named directory plus all of its 
 subdirectories by using the /S option.  This example displays all of the 
 .WKS and .WK1 files in the D:\DATA directory and each of its 

         [c:\] dir /s d:\data\*.wks;*.wk1
 You can also select files by their attributes by using the /A option. 
  For example, this command displays the names of all of the 
 subdirectories of the current directory: 

         [c:\] dir /a:d
 Finally, with the /I option, DIR can select files to display based on 
 their descriptions (see the DESCRIBE command for more information on file 
 descriptions).  DIR will display a file if its description matches the 
 text after the /I switch.  The search is not case sensitive.  You can use 
 wildcards and extended wildcards as part of the text.  For example, to 
 display any file described as a "Test File" you can use this command: 

         [c:\] dir /i"test file"
 If you want to display files that include the words "test file" anywhere 
 in their descriptions, use extended wildcards like this: 

         [c:\] dir /i"*test file*"
 To display only those files which do not have descriptions, use: 

         [c:\] dir /I"[]"
 In addition, you can use ranges to select or exclude specific sets of 
 files.  For example, to display all files modified in the last week, all 
 files except those with a .BAK extension, and all files over 500 KB in 

         [c:\] dir /[d-7]
         [c:\] dir /[!*.bak]
         [c:\] dir /[s500K]
 You can, of course, mix any of these file selection techniques in 
 whatever ways suit your needs. 
 Default DIR Output Format 
 DIR's output varies based on the type of volume or drive on which the 
 files are stored.  On an HPFS volume, the default DIR format contains 4 
 columns: the date of the last file modification or write, the time of 
 last write, the file size in bytes, and the file name.  The name is 
 displayed as it is stored on the disk, in upper, lower, or mixed case. 
  DIR will wrap filenames from one line to the next if they are too long 
 to fit the width of the display.  The standard output format is: 

          Volume in drive C is C - BOOTUP    Serial ...
          Directory of  C:\CMD.EXE301\*.*
         10-24-96  12:17         <DIR>    .
         10-24-96  12:17         <DIR>    ..
         10-28-96   7:57             967  CMD.EXE 3.txt
         10-21-96  18:08         212,854  CMD.EXE.EXE
         11-02-96  10:08              45  CMD.INI
 (See Switching Formats below for information on changing the standard 
 long filename format to allow room for file descriptions.) 
 On FAT volumes which do not support long file names, the default DIR 
 format contains 5 columns: the file name, the file size in bytes, the 
 date of the last write, the time of the last write, and the file's 
 description.  File names are listed in lower-case; directory names in 
 upper case: 

          Volume in drive C is C - BOOTUP    Serial ...
          Directory of  C:\CMD.EXE30\*.*
         .            <DIR>     10-24-96  12:17
         ..           <DIR>     10-24-96  12:17
         TEST         <DIR>     11-01-96  16:21
         CMD.EXE3.txt         967  10-28-96   7:57
         CMD.EXE.exe       212854  10-21-96  18:08 CMD.EXE exe ...
         CMD.INI           45  11-02-96  10:08 CMD.EXE conf ...
 DIR's output is normally sorted by name, with directories listed first. 
  You can change the sort order with the /O option.  For example, these 
 two commands sort the output by date -- the first command lists the 
 oldest file first; the second command lists the oldest file last: 

         [c:\] dir /o:d
         [c:\] dir /o:-d
 When displaying file descriptions, DIR wraps long lines to fit on the 
 screen.  DIR displays a maximum of 40 characters of text in each line of 
 a description, unless your screen width allows a wider display.  If you 
 disable description wrapping with the /R option, the description is 
 truncated at the right edge of the screen, and a right arrow [>] is added 
 at the end of the line to alert you to the existence of additional 
 description text. 
 Regardless of the volume type, DIR's default output is sorted.  It 
 displays directory names first, with "<DIR>" inserted instead of a file 
 size, and then filenames.  DIR assumes that sequences of digits should be 
 sorted numerically (for example, the file DRAW2 is listed before DRAW03 
 because 2 is numerically smaller than 03), rather than strictly 
 alphabetically (where DRAW2 would come second because "2" is after "0" in 
 alphanumeric order).  You can change the sort order with the /O option. 
  When DIR displays file names in a multi-column format, it sorts file 
 names horizontally unless you use the /V option to display vertically 
 sorted output. 
 DIR's display can be modified in many ways to meet different needs.  Most 
 of the following sections describes the various ways you can change DIR's 
 output format. 
 Switching Formats 
 On HPFS volumes, you can force DIR to use a FAT-like format (file name 
 first, followed by file information) with the /Z option.  If necessary, 
 DIR /Z truncates long file names on HPFS drives, and adds a right arrow 
 [>] to show that the name contains additional characters. 
 The standard HPFS output format does not provide enough space to show 
 descriptions along with file names.  Therefore, if you wish to view file 
 descriptions as part of the DIR listing on an HPFS volume, you must use 
 the /Z option. 
 If you use the /B option, DIR displays just file names and omits the file 
 size, time stamp, and description for each file, for example: 

         [c:\] dir i* /b
 There are several ways to modify the display produced by /B.  The /F 
 option is similar to /B, but displays the full path and name of each 
 file, instead of just its name.  To view the same information for a 
 directory and its subdirectories use /B /S or /F /S. 
 Multiple Column Displays 
 DIR has three options, /2, /4, and /W, that create multi-column displays. 
  On HPFS drives, all 3 of these options force the use of truncated names. 
 The /2 option creates a 2-column display.  On HPFS drives, only the name 
 of each file is displayed, with directory names placed in square brackets 
 to distinguish them from file names.  On FAT drives, support long 
 filenames, or when /Z or /X is used (see below), the display includes the 
 name, file size, and time stamp for each file. 
 The /4 option is similar to /2, but displays directory information in 4 
 columns.        On drives which do not support long filenames, or when /Z 
 or /X is used (see below), the display shows the file name and the file 
 size in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB), with "<D>" in the size column 
 for directories. 
 The /W option displays directory information in 5 or more columns, 
 depending on your screen width.  Each entry in a DIR /W display contains 
 either the name of a file or the name of a directory.  Directory names 
 are placed in square brackets to distinguish them from file names. 
 If you use one of these options on an HPFS drive and do not select an 
 alternate display format with /Z or /X, the actual number of columns will 
 be based on the longest name to be displayed and your screen width, and 
 may be less than the number you requested (for example, you might see 
 only three columns even though you used /4).  If the longest name is too 
 long to fit in on a single line the display will be reduced to one 
 column, and each name will be wrapped, with "extra" blank lines added so 
 that each name takes the same number of lines. 
 Color-Coded Directories 
 The DIR command can display each file name and the associated file 
 information in a different color, depending on the file's extension. 
 To choose the display colors, you must either use the SET command to 
 create an environment variable called COLORDIR, or use the Commands page 
 of the OPTION dialogs or a text editor to set the ColorDir directive in 
 your .INI file.  If you do not use the COLORDIR variable or the ColorDir 
 directive, DIR will use the default screen colors for all files. 
 If you use both the COLORDIR variable and the ColorDir directive, the 
 environment variable will override the settings in your .INI file.  You 
 may find it useful to use the COLORDIR variable for experimenting, then 
 to set permanent directory colors with the ColorDir directive. 
 The format for both the COLORDIR environment variable and the ColorDir 
 directive in the .INI file is: 

         ext ... :ColorName; ...
 where "ext" is a file extension (which may include wildcards) or one of 
 the following file types: 

         DIRS        Directories
         RDONLY      Read-only files
         HIDDEN      Hidden files
         SYSTEM      System files
         ARCHIVE     Files modified since the last backup
 and "ColorName" is any valid color name (see Colors and Color Names). 
 Unlike most color specifications, the background portion of the color 
 name may be omitted for directory colors.  If you don't specify a 
 background color, DIR will use the current screen background color. 
 For example, to display the .COM and .EXE files in red on the current 
 background, the .C and .ASM files in bright cyan on the current 
 background, and the read-only files in blinking green on white (this 
 should be entered on one line): 

         [c:\] set colordir=com exe:red; c asm:bright cyan;
               rdonly:blink green on white
 Extended wildcards can be used in directory color specifications.  For 
 example, to display .BAK, .BAX, and .BAC files in red: 

         [c:\] set colordir=BA[KXC]:red
 Redirected Output 
 The output of the DIR command, like that of most other internal commands, 
 can be redirected to a file, printer, serial port, or other device. 
  However, you may need to take certain DIR command options into account 
 when you redirect DIR's output. 
 DIR wraps both long file names and file descriptions at the width of your 
 display.  Its redirected output will also wrap at the screen width.  Use 
 the /R option if you wish to disable wrapping of long descriptions. 
 If you redirect a color-coded directory to a file, DIR will remove the 
 color data as it sends the directory information to a file.  It will 
 usually do the same if you redirect output to a character device such as 
 a printer or serial port.  However, it is not always possible for DIR to 
 tell whether or not a device is a character device.  If you notice that 
 non-colored lines are being sent to the output device and colored lines 
 are appearing on your screen, you can use the /D option to temporarily 
 disable color-coding when you redirect DIR's output. 
 To redirect DIR output to the clipboard, use CLIP: as the output device 
 name, for example: 

         [c:\] dir *.exe > clip:
 Other Notes 
 If you have selected a specific country code for your system, DIR will 
 display the date in the format for that country.  The default date format 
 is U.S. (mm-dd-yy).  The separator character in the file time will also 
 be affected by the country code.  Thousands and decimal separators in 
 numeric displays are affected by the country code, and by the 
 ThousandsChar and DecimalChar settings selected on the Options 1 page of 
 the OPTION dialogs or in the .INI file. 
 Options on the command line apply only to the filenames which follow the 
 option, and options at the end of the line apply to the preceding 
 filename only.  This allows you to specify different options for 
 different groups of files, yet retains compatibility with the traditional 
 DIR command when a single filename is specified. 
    /1:     Single column display -- display the filename, size, date, and 
            time; also displays the description on drives which do not 
            support long filenames.  This is the default.  If /T is used 
            the attributes are displayed instead of the description.  This 
            option is most useful if you wish to override a default /2, 
            /4, or /W setting stored in an alias. 
    /2:     Two column display -- display just the name (on HPFS drives), 
            or display the filename, size, date, and time on other drives. 
             See Multiple Column Displays above for more details. 
    /4:     Four column display -- display just the name (on HPFS drives); 
            or display the filename and size, in K (kilobytes) or M 
            (megabytes), with files between 1 and 9.9 megabytes in size 
            displayed in tenths (i.e. "2.4M").  See Multiple Column 
            Displays above for more details. 
    /A:     (Attribute select) Select only those files that have the 
            specified attribute(s) set.  Preceding the attribute character 
            with a hyphen [-] will select files that do not have that 
            attribute set.  The colon [:] after /A is optional.  The 
            attributes are: 
               R  Read-only 
               H  Hidden 
               S  System 
               D  Subdirectory 
               A  Archive 
            If no attributes are listed at all (e.g., DIR /A ...), DIR 
            will display all files and subdirectories including hidden and 
            system files.  If attributes are combined, all the specified 
            attributes must match for a file to be included in the 
            listing.  For example, /A:RHS will display only those files 
            with all three attributes set. 
    /B:     (Bare)  Suppress the header and summary lines, and display 
            file or subdirectory names only, in a single column.  This 
            option is most useful when you want to redirect a list of 
            names to a file or another program.  If you use /B with /S, 
            DIR will show the full path of each file (the same display as 
            /F) instead of simply its name and extension. 
    /D:     (Disable color coding)  Temporarily disable directory color 
            coding.  May be required when color-coded directories are used 
            and DIR output is redirected to a character device like the 
            printer (e.g., PRN or LPT1) or serial port (e.g., COM1 or 
            COM2).  /D is not required when DIR output is redirected to a 
    /E:     Display filenames in the traditional upper case; also see 
            SETDOS /U and the UpperCase directive in CMD.INI. 
    /F:     (Full path)  Display each filename with its drive letter and 
            path in a single column, without other information.  If you 
            use /F with /X on a volume which supports long filenames, the 
            "short" version of the entire path is displayed. 
    /G:     Display the allocated disk space instead of the actual size of 
            each file. 
    /H:     (Hide dots)  Suppress the display of the "." and ".." 
    /I:     Display filenames by matching text in their descriptions.  The 
            text can include wildcards and extended wildcards.  The search 
            text must be enclosed in quotation marks.  You can select all 
            filenames that have a description with /I"[?]*", or all 
            filenames that do not have a description with /I"[]". 
            The /I option may be used to select files even if descriptions 
            are not displayed (for example, if /2 is used).  However, /I 
            will be ignored if /O:c is used. 
    /J:     (Justify names)  Justify (align) filename extensions and 
            display them in the traditional format. 
    /K:     Suppress the header (disk and directory name) display. 
    /L:     (Lower case)  Display file and directory names in lower case; 
            also see SETDOS /U and the UpperCase directive in CMD.INI. 
    /M:     Suppress the footer (file and byte count totals) display. 
    /N:     Use the HPFS display format, even if the files are stored on a 
            volume which does not support long names.  See also /Z. 
    /O:     (Order) Set the sorting order.  You may use any combination of 
            the following sorting options; if multiple options are used, 
            the listing will be sorted with the first sort option as the 
            primary key, the next as the secondary key, and so on: 
               -  Reverse the sort order for the next option. 
               a  Sort in ASCII order, not numerically, when there are 
            digits in the name. 
               d  Sort by date and time (oldest first); for HPFS drives, 
            also see /T. 
               e  Sort by extension. 
               g  Group subdirectories first, then files. 
               i  Sort by file description (ignored if /O:c is used). 
               n  Sort by filename (this is the default). 
               r  Reverse the sort order for all options. 
               s  Sort by size. 
               u  Unsorted. 
    /P:     (Pause)  Wait for a key to be pressed after each screen page 
            before continuing the display.  Your options at the prompt are 
            explained in detail under Page and File Prompts. 
    /R      (disable wRap)  Forces long descriptions to be displayed on a 
            single line, rather than wrapped onto two or more lines.  Use 
            /R when output is redirected to a character device, such as a 
            serial port or the printer; or when you want descriptions 
            truncated, rather than wrapped, in the on-screen display. 
    /S:     (Subdirectories)  Display file information from the current 
            directory and all of its subdirectories.  DIR will only 
            display headers and summaries for those directories which 
            contain files that match the filename(s), ranges, and 
            attributes that you specify on the command line. 
    /T      (aTtribute display)  Display the filenames, attributes, and 
            descriptions.  The descriptions will be wrapped onto the next 
            line, if necessary, unless you also use the /R (truncate) 
            option.  If you use both /T and /R, descriptions are truncated 
            after 34 characters on an 80-column display.  The attributes 
            are displayed in the format RHSA, with the following meanings: 
               R  Read-only 
               H  Hidden 
               D  Directory 
               S  System 
               A  Archive 
            On HPFS drives, if you wish to add another option after /T, 
            you must start the next option with a forward slash.  If you 
            don't, CMD.EXE will interpret the /T as the time display 
            switch and the following character as a valid or invalid time 
            selector.  For example: 

                    [c:\] dir /tz     incorrect, will display error
                    [c:\] dir /t/z    correct
    /T:acw  (Time display)  Specify which of the date and time fields on 
            an HPFS drive should be displayed and used for sorting: 
               a  Last access date and time. 
               c  Creation date and time. 
               w  Last write date and time (default). 
    /U      (sUmmary information)  Only display the number of files, the 
            total file size, and the total amount of disk space used. 
             Information on individual files is not displayed. 
    /V:     (Vertical sort)  Display the filenames sorted vertically 
            rather than horizontally (use with the /2, /4 or /W options). 
    /W:     (Wide)  Display filenames only, horizontally across the 
            screen.  On FAT drives, /W displays as many columns as it can 
            fit into the command processor window, using 16 characters in 
            each column.  Otherwise (i.e., when long filenames are 
            displayed) the number of columns depends on the width of the 
            longest name in the listing.  See Multiple Column Displays 
            above for more details. 
    /Z:     Display an HPFS directory in the traditional FAT format, with 
            the filename at the left and the description at the right.   Long 
            names will be truncated to 12 characters unless /X is also 
            used; if the name is longer than 12 characters, it will be 
            followed by a right arrow [>] to show that one or more 
            characters have been truncated. 

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Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs