
Include Lists

Any internal command that accepts multiple filenames will also accept one 
or more include lists.  An include list is simply a group of filenames, 
with or without wildcards, separated by semicolons [;].  All files in the 
include list must be in the same directory.  You may not add a space on 
either side of the semicolon. 
For example, you can shorten this command which uses multiple file names: 

        [c:\] copy a:\details\file1.txt a:\details\file1.doc c:

to this using an include list: 

        [c:\] copy a:\details\file1.txt;file1.doc c:

Include lists are similar to multiple filenames, but have three important 
differences.  First, you don't have to repeat the path to your files if 
you use an include list, because all of the included files must be in the 
same directory.  Second, if you use include lists, you aren't as likely to 
accidentally overwrite files if you forget a destination path for commands 
like COPY, because the last name in the list will be part of the include 
list, and won't be seen as the destination file name.  (Include lists can 
only be used as the source parameter - the location files are coming from 
- for COPY and other similar commands.  They cannot be used to specify a 
destination for files.) 
Third, multiple filenames and include lists are processed differently by 
the DIR and SELECT commands. If you use multiple filenames, all of the 
files matching the first filename are processed, then all of the files 
matching the second name, and so on.  When you use an include list, all 
files that match any entry in the include list are processed together, and 
will appear together in the directory display or SELECT list.  You can see 
this difference clearly if you experiment with both techniques and the DIR 
command.  For example: 

        [c:\] dir *.txt *.doc

will list all the .TXT files with a directory header, the file list, and a 
summary of the total number of files and bytes used.  Then it will do the 
same for the .DOC files.  However, 

        [c:\] dir *.txt;*.doc

will display all the files in one list. 
Like extended wildcards and multiple filenames, the include list feature 
will work with internal commands, but not with external programs (unless 
they have been programmed especially to support them).  The maximum length 
of an include list is 260 characters. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs