
Internal Commands

The best way to learn the CMD.EXE commands is to experiment with them. 
 The lists below categorize the available commands by topic and will help 
you find the ones that you need. 
System configuration: 

    |CHCP         CLS          COLOR        DATE         DIRHISTORY  |
    |                                                                |
    |FREE         HISTORY      KEYS         KEYBD        LOG         |
    |                                                                |
    |MEMORY       OPTION       PROMPT       REBOOT       SETDOS      |
    |                                                                |
    |TIME         VERIFY       VOL                                   |
 File and directory management: 

    |ATTRIB       COPY         DEL          DESCRIBE     LIST        |
    |                                                                |
    |MOVE         REN          SELECT       TOUCH        TREE        |
    |                                                                |
    |TYPE                                                            |
 Subdirectory management: 

    |CD           CDD          DIR          DIRS         MD          |
    |                                                                |
    |POPD         PUSHD        RD                                    |
 Input and output: 

    |                                                                |
    |ECHOS        ECHOERR      INKEY        INPUT        KEYSTACK    |
    |                                                                |
    |SCREEN       SCRPUT       TEXT         VSCRPUT                  |
 Commands primarily for use in or with batch files and aliases: 
 (some work only in batch files; see the individual commands for details) 

    |ALIAS        BEEP         CALL         CANCEL       DELAY       |
    |                                                                |
    |DO           ENDLOCAL     FOR          GLOBAL       GOSUB       |
    |                                                                |
    |GOTO         IF           IFF          LOADBTM      ON          |
    |                                                                |
    |PAUSE        QUIT         REM          RETURN       SETLOCAL    |
    |                                                                |
    |SHIFT        SWITCH       UNALIAS                               |
 Environment and path commands: 

    |DPATH        ESET         PATH         SET          UNSET       |
 Other commands: 

    |?            ACTIVATE     DETACH       EXCEPT       EXIT        |
    |                                                                |
    |FFIND        HELP         SHRALIAS     START        TEE         |
    |                                                                |
    |TIMER        TITLE        WINDOW       Y                        |

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs