
TYPE - Display file(s)

 Purpose:    Display the contents of the specified file(s). 
 Format:     TYPE [/A:[[-]rhsda] /L /P] file ... 
             file :  The file or list of files that you want to display. 
             /A: (Attribute select)          /P(ause) 
             /L(ine numbers)                 
 See also:  LIST. 
 File Selection 
 Supports extended wildcards, ranges, multiple file names, and include 
 The TYPE command displays a file.  It is normally only useful for 
 displaying ASCII text files.  Executable files (.COM and .EXE ) and many 
 data files may be unreadable when displayed with TYPE because they 
 include non-alphanumeric characters. 
 To display the files MEMO1 and MEMO2 : 

         [c:\] type /p memo1 memo2
 You can press Ctrl-S to pause TYPE's display and then any key to 
 To display text from the clipboard, use CLIP: as the file name.  CLIP: 
 will not return any data unless the clipboard contains text.  See 
 Redirection for additional information on CLIP:. 
 You will probably find LIST to be more useful for displaying files. 
  However, the TYPE /L command used with redirection is useful if you want 
 to add line numbers to a file, for example: 

         [c:\] type /l myfile > myfile.num
    /A::    (Attribute select) Select only those files that have the 
            specified attribute(s) set.  Preceding the attribute character 
            with a hyphen [-] will select files that do not have that 
            attribute set.  The colon [:] after /A is required.  The 
            attributes are: 
               R  Read-only 
               H  Hidden 
               S  System 
               D  Subdirectory 
               A  Archive 
 If no attributes are listed at all (e.g., TYPE /A: ...), TYPE will select 
 all files and subdirectories including hidden and system files.  If 
 attributes are combined, all the specified attributes must match for a 
 file to be selected. For example, /A:RHS will select only those files 
 with all three attributes set. /L:(Line numbers) Display a line number 
 preceding each line of text. /P:(Pause) Prompt after displaying each 
 page.  Your options at the prompt are explained in detail under Page and 
 File Prompts. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs