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This is part of Family API which allow to create dual-os version of program runs under OS/2 and DOS

Note: This is legacy API call. It is recommended to use 32-bit equivalent

2021/09/17 04:47 · prokushev · 0 Comments
2021/08/20 03:18 · prokushev · 0 Comments


This call creates a subdirectory that has extended attributes associated with it.


DosMkDir2 (DirName, EABuf, Reserved)


DosQSysInfo is called by an application during initialization to determine the maximum path length allowed by OS/2.

Return Code

rc (USHORT) - return: Return code


DosMkDir2 allows an application to define extended attributes for a subdirectory at the time of its creation.

If any subdirectory names in the path do not exist, the subdirectory is not created. Upon return, a subdirectory is created at the end of the specified path.

DosQSysInfo must be used by an application to determine the maximum path length supported by OS/2. The returned value should be used to dynamically allocate buffers that are to be used to store paths.

If a program running with the NEWFILES bit set tries to create a directory with blanks immediately preceding the dot on a FAT drive, the system rejects the name. For example, if c: is a FAT drive, the name “file .txt” is rejected and the name “file.txt” is accepted.



typedef struct _GEA {       /* gea */
  BYTE cbName;            /* name length not including NULL */
  CHAR szName[1];         /* attribute name */
} GEA;
typedef struct _GEALIST {   /* geal */
  ULONG  cbList;          /* total bytes of structure including full list */
  GEA list[1];            /* variable length GEA structures */
typedef struct _FEA {       /* fea */
  BYTE fEA;               /* flags */
  BYTE cbName;            /* name length not including NULL */
  USHORT cbValue;         /* value length */
} FEA;
typedef struct _FEALIST {   /* feal */
  ULONG  cbList;          /* total bytes of structure including full list */
  FEA list[1];            /* variable length FEA structures */
typedef struct _EAOP {      /* eaop */
  PGEALIST fpGEAList;     /* general EA list */
  PFEALIST fpFEAList;     /* full EA list */
  ULONG  oError;
USHORT  rc = DosMkDir2(DirName, EABuf, Reserved);
PSZ     DirName;       /* New directory name string */
PEAOP   EABuf;         /* Extended attribute buffer */
ULONG   0;             /* Reserved (must be zero) */
USHORT  rc;            /* return code */


GEA    struc
  gea_cbName      db  ?          ;name length not including NULL
  gea_szName      db  1 dup (?)  ;attribute name
GEA    ends
GEALIST    struc
  geal_cbList     dd  ?      ;total bytes of structure including full list
  geal_list       db  size GEA * 1 dup (?) ;variable length GEA structures
GEALIST    ends
FEA   struc
  fea_fEA         db  ? ;flags
  fea_cbName      db  ? ;name length not including NULL
  fea_cbValue     dw  ? ;value length
FEA   ends
  feal_cbList     dd  ?      ;total bytes of structure including full list
  feal_list       db  size FEA * 1 dup (?) ;variable length FEA structures
EAOP    struc
  eaop_fpGEAList  dd  ? ;general EA list
  eaop_fpFEAList  dd  ? ;full EA list
  eaop_oError     dd  ? ;
EAOP    ends
PUSH@  ASCIIZ  DirName       ;New directory name string
PUSH@  OTHER   EABuf         ;Extended attribute buffer
PUSH   DWORD   0             ;Reserved (must be zero)
CALL   DosMkDir2

Returns WORD