==== VioGetState ==== **Bindings**: [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:getstate#C bindings|C]], [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:getstate#MASM bindings|MASM]] This call returns the current settings of the palette registers, overscan (border) color, blink/background intensity switch, color registers, underline location, or target [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setmode|VioSetMode]] display configuration. //VioGetState// (RequestBlock, VioHandle) //RequestBlock// (**PVOID**) - input/output Address of the video state structures consisting of six different structures depending on the request type: ^Type ^Definition ^ |0 |Get palette registers | |1 |Get overscan (border) color | |2 |Get blink/background intensity switch | |3 |Get color registers | |4 |Reserved | |5 |Get the scan line for underlining | |6 |Get target VioSetMode display configuration. | |7 |Reserved The six structures, depending on request type, are: | **VIOPALSTATE** Applies to EGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter. //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |38 |Maximum valid value. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 0 for palette registers. //palette// (**USHORT**) - input First palette register in the palette register sequence; must be specified in the range 0 through 15. The palette registers are returned in sequential order. The number returned is based upon length. //color// (**USHORT** *(length-6)/2) - output Color value for each palette register. The maximum number of entries in the color value array is 16. **VIOOVERSCAN** Applies to CGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter. //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |6 |Only valid value. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 1 for overscan (border) color. //color// (**USHORT**) - input Color value. **VIOINTENSITY** Applies to CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter. //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |6 |Only valid value. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 2 for blink/background intensity switch. //switch// (**USHORT**) - output **Switch set as**: ^Value ^Definition ^ |0 |Blinking foreground colors enabled. | |1 |High intensity background colors enabled. | **VIOCOLORREG** Applies to VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter. //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |12 |Length in bytes. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 3 for color registers. //first color// (**USHORT**) - input First color register to get in the color register sequence; must be specified in the range 0 through 255. The color registers are returned in sequential order. //number color// (**USHORT**) - input Number of color registers to get; must be specified in the range 1 through 256. //datarea// (**PCH**) - input Far address of a data area where the color registers are returned. The size of the data area must be three bytes times the number of color registers to get. The format of each entry returned is as follows: |Byte 1 |Red value | |Byte 2 |Green value | |Byte 3 |Blue value | **VIOSETULINELOC** Applies to EGA, VGA, or IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter. //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |6 |Length in bytes. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 5 to get the scan line for underlining. Underlining is enabled only when the foreground color is 1 or 9. //scanline// (**USHORT**) - output The value returned is in the range 0 through 31 and is the scan line minus 1. A value of 32 means underlining is disabled. **VIOSETTARGET** //length// (**USHORT**) - input Length of structure, including length. |6 |Length in bytes. | //type// (**USHORT**) - input Request type 6 to get display configuration selected to be the target of the next [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setmode|VioSetMode]]. //select// (**USHORT**) - output **Configuration**: ^Value ^Definition ^ |0 |Default selection algorithm. See VioSetMode. | |1 |Primary | |2 |Secondary. | //VioHandle// (**HVIO**) - input Reserved word of 0s. //rc// (**USHORT**) - return **Return code descriptions are**: |0 |NO_ERROR | |355 |ERROR_VIO_MODE | |421 |ERROR_VIO_INVALID_PARMS | |436 |ERROR_VIO_INVALID_HANDLE | |438 |ERROR_VIO_INVALID_LENGTH | |465 |ERROR_VIO_DETACHED | |494 |ERROR_VIO_EXTENDED_SG | **Family API Considerations** Request type = 6, Get Target [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setmode|VioSetMode]] Display Configuration, and request type = 5, Get Underline Location, are not supported in the family API. === C bindings === typedef struct _VIOPALSTATE { USHORT cb; /* Length of this structure in bytes */ USHORT type; /* Request type=0 get palette registers */ USHORT iFirst; /* First palette register to return */ USHORT acolor[1]; /* Color value palette register */ }VIOPALSTATE; typedef VIOPALSTATE far *PVIOPALSTATE; typedef struct _VIOOVERSCAN { USHORT cb; /* Length of this structure */ USHORT type; /* Request type=1 get overscan (border) color */ USHORT color; /* Color value */ }VIOOVERSCAN; typedef VIOOVERSCAN far *PVIOOVERSCAN; typedef struct _VIOINTENSITY { USHORT cb; /* Length of this structure */ USHORT type; /* Request type=2 get blink/background intensity switch */ USHORT fs; /* Value of blink/background switch */ }VIOINTENSITY; typedef VIOINTENSITY far *PVIOINTENSITY; typedef struct _VIOCOLORREG { /* viocreg */ USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT firstcolorreg; USHORT numcolorregs; PCH colorregaddr; }VIOCOLORREG; typedef VIOCOLORREG far *PVIOCOLORREG; typedef struct _VIOSETULINELOC { /* viouline */ USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT scanline; }VIOSETULINELOC; typedef VIOSETULINELOC far *PVIOSETULINELOC; typedef struct _VIOSETTARGET { /* viosett */ USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT defaultalgorithm; }VIOSETTARGET; typedef VIOSETTARGET far *PVIOSETTARGET; #define INCL_VIO USHORT rc = VioGetState(RequestBlock, VioHandle); PVOID RequestBlock; /* Request block */ HVIO VioHandle; /* Vio handle */ USHORT rc; /* return code */ === MASM bindings: === VIOPALSTATE struc viopal_cb dw ? ;Length of this structure in bytes viopal_type dw ? ;Request type=0 get palette registers viopal_iFirst dw ? ;First palette register to return viopal_acolor dw 1 dup (?) ;Color value palette register VIOPALSTATE ends VIOOVERSCAN struc vioos_cb dw ? ;Length of this structure vioos_type dw ? ;Request type=1 get overscan (border) color vioos_color dw ? ;Color value VIOOVERSCAN ends VIOINTENSITY struc vioint_cb dw ? ;Length of this structure vioint_type dw ? ;Request type=2 get blink/background ; intensity switch vioint_fs dw ? ;Value of blink/background switch VIOINTENSITY ends VIOCOLORREG struc viocreg_cb dw ? ; viocreg_type dw ? ; viocreg_firstcolorreg dw ? ; viocreg_numcolorregs dw ? ; viocreg_colorregaddr dd ? ; VIOCOLORREG ends VIOSETULINELOC struc viouline_cb dw ? ; viouline_type dw ? ; viouline_scanline dw ? ; VIOSETULINELOC ends VIOSETTARGET struc viosett_cb dw ? ; viosett_type dw ? ; viosett_defaultalgorithm dw ? ; VIOSETTARGET ends EXTRN VioGetState:FAR INCL_VIO EQU 1 PUSH@ OTHER RequestBlock ;Request block PUSH WORD VioHandle ;Vio handle CALL VioGetState Returns WORD