{{page>en:templates:fapiint}} ====== DosGetPID ====== This call returns the current process ID, thread ID, and the process ID of the parent process. ===== Syntax ===== DosGetPID (ProcessIDs) ===== Parameters ===== *ProcessIDs (PPIDINFO) - output : Address of the structure where the ID information is returned. * pid (PID) : Current process identifier. * tid (TID) : Thread (of the current process) identifier. * pidParent (PID) : Parent process (of the current process) identifier. ===== Return Code ===== rc (USHORT) - return:Return code description is: *0 NO_ERROR ===== Remarks ===== The process ID may be used to generate uniquely named temporary files, or for communication with signals. For more information on signals, see DosFlagProcess and DosSendSignal. In the OS/2 environment, thread IDs are used with calls that manipulate threads in the current process. For more information, see [[DosSuspendThread]], [[DosResumeThread]], [[DosGetPrty]], and [[DosSetPrty]]. If the application is executing in the OS/2 environment, it is more efficient to obtain these variables by calling DosGetInfoSeg instead of DosGetPID. However, applications written to the family API cannot depend on the availability of DosGetInfoSeg. To get an ID for a process other than the current process or its parent process, issue [[DosGetPPID]]. ===== Bindings ===== ====MASM==== PIDINFO struc pidi_pid dw ? ;current process' process ID pidi_tid dw ? ;current process' thread ID pidi_pidParent dw ? ;process ID of the parent PIDINFO ends EXTRN DosGetPID:FAR INCL_DOSPROCESS EQU 1 PUSH@ OTHER ProcessIDsArea ;Process IDs (returned) CALL DosGetPID Returns NONE ====C==== typedef struct _PIDINFO { /* pidi */ PID pid; /* current process' process ID */ TID tid; /* current process' thread ID */ PID pidParent; /* process ID of the parent */ } PIDINFO; #define INCL_DOSPROCESS USHORT rc = DosGetPID(ProcessIDsArea); PPIDINFO ProcessIDsArea; /* Process IDs (returned) */ USHORT rc; /* return code */ ===== Example ===== The following example demonstrates how to create a process, obtain process ID information, and kill a process. Process1 invokes process2 to run asynchronously. It obtains and prints some PID information, and then kills process2. /* ---- process1.c ---- */ #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #include #define START_PROGRAM "process2.exe" /* Program pointer */ main() { CHAR ObjFail [50]; /* Object name buffer */ RESULTCODES ReturnCodes; /* PIDINFO PidInfo; PID ParentID; /* USHORT rc; printf("Process1 now running. \n"); /** Start a child process. **/ if(!(DosExecPgm(ObjFail, /* Object name buffer */ sizeof(ObjFail), /* Length of obj. name buffer */ EXEC_ASYNC, /* Execution flag - asynchronous */ NULL, /* No args. to pass to process2*/ NULL, /* Process2 inherits process1's environment */ &ReturnCodes, /* Ptr. to resultcodes struct. */ START_PROGRAM))) /* Name of program file */ printf("Process2 started. \n"); /** Obtain Process ID information and print it **/ if(!(rc=DosGetPID(&PidInfo))) /* Process ID's (returned) */ printf("DosGetPID: current process ID is %d; thread ID is %d; parent process ID is %d.\n", PidInfo.pid, PidInfo.tid, PidInfo.pidParent); if(!(rc=DosGetPPID( ReturnCodes.codeTerminate, /* Process whose parent is wanted */ &ParentID))) /* Address to put parent's PID */ printf("Child process ID is %d; Parent process ID is %d.\n", ReturnCodes.codeTerminate, ParentID); /** Terminate process2 **/ if(!(rc=DosKillProcess(DKP_PROCESSTREE, /* Action code - kill process and descendants */ ReturnCodes.codeTerminate))) /* PID of root of process tree */ printf("Process2 terminated by process1.\n"); } /* ---- process2.c ---- */ #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #include #define SLEEPTIME 500L #define RETURN_CODE 0 main() { printf("Process2 now running.\n"); /* Sleep to allow process1 to kill it */ DosSleep(SLEEPTIME); /* Sleep interval */ DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, /* Action Code */ RETURN_CODE); /* Result Code */ } {{page>en:templates:fapi}}