{{page>en:templates:fapiint}} ====== DosFileLocks ====== This call locks and unlocks a range in an opened file. ===== Syntax ===== DosFileLocks (FileHandle, UnLockRange, LockRange) ===== Parameters ===== * FileHandle ([[HFILE]]) - input : File handle. * UnLockRange ([[PLONG]]) - input : Address of the structure containing the offset and length of a range to be unlocked. A doubleword of zero indicates that unlocking is not required. * FileOffset ([[ULONG]]) : The offset to the beginning of the range to be unlocked. * RangeLength ([[ULONG]]) : The length of the range to be unlocked. * LockRange ([[PLONG]]) - input : Address of the structure containing the offset and length of a range to be locked. A doubleword of zero indicates that locking is not required. * FileOffset ([[ULONG]]) : The offset to the beginning of the range to be locked. * RangeLength ([[ULONG]]) : The length of the range to be locked. ===== Return Code ===== rc ([[USHORT]]) - return Return code descriptions are: * 0 NO_ERROR * 6 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE * 33 ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION * 36 ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED ===== Remarks ===== DosFileLocks provides a mechanism that allows a process to lock a region in a file for read/write access. The time a region is locked should be short. Instead of denying another process read/write access to the entire file by means of access and sharing modes specified with [[DosOpen]] or [[DosOpen2]] requests, a process attempts to lock only the range needed for read/write access and examines the error code returned. A range to be locked must first be cleared of any locked subranges or overlapping ranges. The locked region can be located anywhere in the file, and locking beyond end-of-file is not considered an error. Once a lock is successful, read/write access by another process to the specified range is denied until the range is unlocked. If both unlocking and locking are specified by a DosFileLocks request, the unlocking operation is performed first. After unlocking is completed, locking is done. Duplicating the handle duplicates access to any locked regions; however, access to locked regions is not duplicated across the [[DosExecPgm]] call. If a file is closed (either by a [[DosClose]] request or by a process terminating) and locks are still in effect, the locks are released in no defined order. ==== Family API Considerations ==== Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in OS/2 mode. Therefore, the following restrictions apply to DosFileLocks when coding for the DOS mode: * If Block = 1 is specified, an "invalid range lock list" or "invalid unlock list" error is returned. * NewLockIDList is not supported. ==== Bindings ==== === C Binding === #define INCL_DOSFILEMGR USHORT rc = DosFileLocks(FileHandle, UnLockRange, LockRange); HFILE FileHandle; /* File handle */ PLONG UnLockRange; /* UnLock range */ PLONG LockRange; /* Lock range */ USHORT rc; /* return code */ === Example === This example opens a file, writes some data to it, locks a block of the data, and then unlocks it. #define INCL_DOSFILEMGR #define OPEN_FILE 0x01 #define CREATE_FILE 0x10 #define FILE_ARCHIVE 0x20 #define FILE_EXISTS OPEN_FILE #define FILE_NOEXISTS CREATE_FILE #define DASD_FLAG 0 #define INHERIT 0x80 #define WRITE_THRU 0 #define FAIL_FLAG 0 #define SHARE_FLAG 0x10 #define ACCESS_FLAG 0x02 #define FILE_NAME "test.dat" #define FILE_SIZE 800L #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE FILE_ARCHIVE #define RESERVED 0L #define NULL_RANGE 0L HFILE FileHandle; USHORT Wrote; USHORT Action; PSZ FileData[100]; USHORT rc; struct LockStrc { long Offset; long Range; } Area; int i; Action = 2; strcpy(FileData, "Data..."); Area.Offset = 4; Area.Range = 100; if(!DosOpen(FILE_NAME, /* File path name */ &FileHandle, /* File handle */ &Action, /* Action taken */ FILE_SIZE, /* File primary allocation */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE, /* File attribute */ FILE_EXISTS | FILE_NOEXISTS, /* Open function type */ DASD_FLAG | INHERIT | /* Open mode of the file */ WRITE_THRU | FAIL_FLAG | SHARE_FLAG | ACCESS_FLAG, RESERVED)) /* Reserved (must be zero) */ { for(i=0; i<200; ++i) DosWrite(FileHandle, /* File handle */ FileData, /* User buffer */ sizeof(FileData), /* Buffer length */ &Wrote); /* Bytes written */ rc = DosFileLocks(FileHandle, /* File handle */ NULL_RANGE, /* Unlock range */ (PLONG) &Area); /* Lock range */ rc = DosFileLocks(FileHandle, /* File handle */ (PLONG) &Area, /* Unlock range */ NULL_RANGE); /* Lock range */ } === MASM Binding === EXTRN DosFileLocks:FAR INCL_DOSFILEMGR EQU 1 PUSH WORD FileHandle ;File handle PUSH@ OTHER UnLockRange ;UnLock range PUSH@ OTHER LockRange ;Lock range CALL DosFileLocks Returns WORD ===== Note ===== Text based on [[http://www.edm2.com/index.php/DosFileLocks]] {{page>en:templates:fapi}}