{{page>en:templates:dpmi}} ====== Int 31H, AH=0BH, AL=03H ====== ===== Version ===== 0.9 ===== Brief ===== Reset Debug Watchpoint ===== Input ===== AX = 0B03H BX = watchpoint handle ===== Return ===== if function successful Carry flag = clear if function unsuccessful Carry flag = set AX = error code 8023H invalid handle ===== Notes ===== Resets the state of a previously defined debug watchpoint; i.e. a subsequent call to Int 31H Function 0B02H will indicate that the debug watchpoint has not been encountered. ===== See also ===== ===== Note ===== Text based on [[http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/dpmi/]] {{page>en:templates:dpmi:int}}