{{page>en:templates:dpmi}} ====== Int 31H, AH=0BH, AL=02H ====== ===== Version ===== 0.9 ===== Brief ===== Get State of Debug Watchpoint ===== Input ===== AX = 0B02H BX = watchpoint handle ===== Return ===== if function successful Carry flag = clear AX = watchpoint status ^ Bit ^ Significance ^ | 0 | 0 = watchpoint has not been encountered 1 = watchpoint has been encountered | | 1-15 | reserved | if function unsuccessful Carry flag = set AX = error code 8023H invalid handle ===== Notes ===== Returns the state of a debug watchpoint that was previously set using the Set Debug Watchpoint function (Int 31H Function 0B00H). The client can use Int 31H Function 0B03H to clear the watchpoint state without releasing the watchpoint handle. ===== See also ===== ===== Note ===== Text based on [[http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/dpmi/]] {{page>en:templates:dpmi:int}}