

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call sets the cursor type. 
 VioSetCurType    (CursorData, VioHandle) 
 CursorData (PVIOCURSORINFO) - input 
    Address of the cursor characteristics structure: 
    startline (USHORT) 
       Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the top line 
       of the cursor.  If the character cell has n scan lines, 0 is the 
       top scan line of the character cell and (n - 1) is the bottom scan 
    endline (USHORT) 
       Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the bottom 
       line of the cursor.  Scan lines within a character cell are 
       numbered as defined in startline.  The maximum value allowed is 31. 
    cursorwidth (USHORT) 
       Width of the cursor. In text modes, cursorwidth is the number of 
       columns. The maximum number supported by the OS/2 base video 
       subsystem is 1. In graphics modes, cursorwidth is the number of 
       A value of 0 specifies the default width.  In text modes, this is 1 
       column. In graphics modes, this is the number of pels equivalent to 
       the width of one character. 
    cursorattrib (USHORT) 
       A value of -1 denotes a hidden cursor, all other values denote a 
       normal cursor. 
 VioHandle (HVIO) - input 
    This must be zero unless the caller is a Presentation Manager 
    application, in which case it must be the value returned by VioGetPs. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    355       ERROR_VIO_MODE 
    356       ERROR_VIO_WIDTH 
    465       ERROR_VIO_DETACHED 
 To set CursorStartLine and CursorEndLine independent of the number of 
 scan lines for each character cell, you may specify these parameters as 
 percentages.  OS/2 then calculates the physical start and end scan lines, 
 respectively, by multiplying the percentage specified for the parameter 
 by the total number of scan lines in the character cell and rounding to 
 the nearest scan line. Percentages are specified as negative 
 values (or 0) in the range 0 through -100.  Specifying CursorStartLine = 
 -90 and 
 CursorEndLine = -100 requests a cursor that occupies the bottom 10 
 percent of the character cell. 
 PM Considerations 
 Set the cursor type.  The cursor type consists of the cursor start line, 
 end line, width (assumed 0 - one column width) and attribute (normal or 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs