

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call allows a process to query the code page currently used to 
display text data. 
 VioGetCp    (Reserved, CodePageID, VioHandle) 
 Reserved (USHORT) - input 
    A reserved word of 0s. 
 CodePageID (PUSHORT) - output 
    Address of a word in the application's data area. The current video 
    code page is returned in this word. 
 VioHandle (HVIO) - input 
    This must be zero unless the caller is a Presentation Manager 
    application, in which case it must be the value returned by VioGetPs. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    355       ERROR_VIO_MODE 
    465       ERROR_VIO_DETACHED 
    468       ERROR_VIO_USER_FONT 
 The display code page ID previously set by VioSetCp, or inherited from 
 the requesting process, is returned to the caller. 
 The code page tag returned is the currently active code page. A value of 
 0000 indicates that the code page in use is the ROM code page provided by 
 the hardware. 
 If ERROR_VIO_USER_FONT is returned, it indicates a user font that was 
 previously loaded with VioSetFont is the active code page. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs