
Video Function Calls

This section reflects the Video API interface of OS/2 only. 
If ERROR_VIO_SEE_ERROR_LOG is returned, further information about the 
error that occurred can be obtained by calling WinGetLast Error. 
  1. Calls marked xPM are not supported by Presentation Manager, and must 
     not be used by Presentation Manager applications.  An error code is 
     returned if any of these calls are issued. 
  2. Calls marked xWPM are not windowable and are not supported by 
     Presentation Manager.  They can be used in OS/2 mode. 
  3. Calls marked FAPI are present in the Family API. 

       |   FUNCTION CALL          ICON         |
       |   VioDeRegister          xWPM         |
       |   VioGetConfig           FAPI         |
       |   VioGetCurPos           FAPI         |
       |   VioGetCurType          FAPI         |
       |   VioGetFont             FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioGetMode             FAPI xPM     |
       |   VioGetPhysBuf          FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioGetState            FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioModeUndo            xWPM         |
       |   VioModeWait            xWPM         |
       |   VioPrtSc               xWPM         |
       |   VioPrtScToggle         xWPM         |
       |   VioReadCellStr         FAPI         |
       |   VioReadCharStr         FAPI         |
       |   VioRegister            xWPM         |
       |   VioSavRedrawUndo       xWPM         |
       |   VioSavRedrawWait       xWPM         |
       |   VioScrLock             FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioScrollDn            FAPI         |
       |   VioScrollLf            FAPI         |
       |   VioScrollRt            FAPI         |
       |   VioScrollUp            FAPI         |
       |   VioScrUnLock           FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioSetCurPos           FAPI         |
       |   VioSetCurType          FAPI         |
       |   VioSetFont             FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioSetMode             FAPI xPM     |
       |   VioSetState            FAPI xWPM    |
       |   VioWrtCellStr          FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtCharStr          FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtCharStrAtt       FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtNAttr            FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtNCell            FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtNChar            FAPI         |
       |   VioWrtTTY              FAPI         |

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs