

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call registers a mouse subsystem within a session. 
 MouRegister     (ModuleName, EntryName, Mask) 
 ModuleName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the dynamic link module name.  The maximum length is 9 
    bytes (including ASCIIZ terminator). 
 EntryName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the dynamic link entry point name of a routine that 
    receives control when any of the registered functions are called.  The 
    maximum length is 33 bytes (including ASCIIZ terminator). 
 Mask (ULONG) - input 
    A mask of bits, where each bit set to 1 identifies a mouse function 
    being registered.  Bit values are: 
    Bit       Description 
    31-22     Reserved, set to zero 
    21        MouSetDevStatus 
    20        MouFlushQue 
    19        MouInitReal 
    18        MouSetPtrPos 
    17        MouGetPtrPos 
    16        MouRemovePtr 
    15        MouDrawPtr 
    14        MouSetPtrShape 
    13        MouGetPtrShape 
    12        MouClose 
    11        MouOpen 
    10        Reserved 
    9         Reserved 
    8         MouSetEventMask 
    7         MouSetScaleFact 
    6         MouGetEventMask 
    5         MouGetScaleFact 
    4         MouReadEventQue 
    3         MouGetNumQueEl 
    2         MouGetDevStatus 
    1         MouGetNumMickeys 
    0         MouGetNumButtons. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    385       ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DEVICE 
    466       ERROR_MOU_DETACHED 
    505       ERROR_MOU_EXTENDED_SG 
 The Base Mouse Subsystem is the default mouse subsystem. There can be 
 only one MouRegister outstanding for each session without an intervening 
 MouDeRegister.  MouDeRegister must be issued by the same process that 
 issued MouRegister. 
 When any registered function is called, control is routed to EntryName. 
  When this routine is entered, four additional values are pushed onto the 
 stack.  The first is the index number (Word) of the function being 
 called.  The second is a near pointer (Word). The third is the caller's 
 DS register (Word).  The fourth is the return address (DWord) to the 
 mouse router.  For example, if MouGetNumMickeys were called and control 
 routed to EntryName, the stack would appear as if the following 
 instructions were executed: 

 PUSH@ WORD    NumberOfMickeys
 PUSH  WORD    DeviceHandle
 CALL  FAR     MouGetNumMickeys
 PUSH  WORD    Function Code
 CALL  NEAR    Entry point in Mouse Router
 PUSH  DS       
 CALL  FAR     EntryName.
 When a registered function returns to the Mouse Router, AX is interpreted 
 as follows: 
 AX = 0 
    No error.  Do not invoke the Base Mouse Subsystem routine. Return AX = 
 AX = -1 
    Invoke the BaseMouse Subsystem routine.  Return AX = return code from 
    the Base Mouse Subsystem. 
 AX = error (if not 0 or -1) 
    Do not invoke the Base Mouse Subsystem Routine.  Return AX = error. 
 When the mouse router receives a mouse call, it routes it to the Base 
 Mouse Subsystem unless an application or other mouse subsystem has 
 previously issued MouRegister for that call.  If the call was registered, 
 the subsystem is entered at the EntryName specified, and provided with 
 the applicable function code. 
 The registered function mask is used to determine whether a requested  function 
 is performed by the registered mouse subsystem or default to the Base 
 Mouse Subsystem. 
 The following list shows the relationship of the mouse API calls and the 
 Function Code passed to either the Base Mouse Subsystem or a registered 
 mouse subsystem. 
 MOU API calls               Function Code 
 MouGetNumButtons            00H 
 MouGetNumMickeys            01H 
 MouGetDevStatus             02H 
 MouGetNumQueEl              03H 
 MouReadEventQue             03H 
 MouGetScaleFact             05H 
 MouGetEventMask             06H 
 MouSetScaleFact             07H 
 MouSetEventMask             08H 
 Reserved                    09H 
 Reserved                    0AH 
 MouOpen                     0BH 
 MouClose                    0CH 
 MouGetPtrShape              0DH 
 MouSetPtrShape              0EH 
 MouDrawPtr                  0FH 
 MouRemovePtr                10H 
 MouGetPtrPos                11H 
 MouSetPtrPos                12H 
 MouInitReal                 13H 
 MouFlushQue                 14H 
 MouSetDevStatus             15H 
 A registered mouse sybsystem must leave the stack, on exit, in the exact 
 state it was received. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs