
Mouse Function Calls

This section reflects the Mouse API interface of OS/2 only. 
For information regarding mouse device drivers, mouse pointer draw device, 
mouse installation and mouse IOCTLs, refer to IBM Operating System/2 
Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And Device Support Volume 1. 
  1. Calls marked xPM are not supported by Presentation Manager, and must 
     not be used by Presentation Manager applications.  An error code is 
     returned if any of these calls are issued. 
  2. Calls marked xWPM are not windowable and are not supported by 
     Presentation Manager. They can be used in OS/2 mode. 
  3. Calls marked FAPI are present in the Family API. 

       |   FUNCTION CALL          ICON    |
       |   MouClose               xPM     |
       |   MouDeRegister          xWPM    |
       |   MouDrawPtr             xPM     |
       |   MouFlushQue            xPM     |
       |   MouGetDevStatus        xPM     |
       |   MouGetEventMask        xPM     |
       |   MouGetNumButtons       xPM     |
       |   MouGetNumMickeys       xPM     |
       |   MouGetNumQueEl         xPM     |
       |   MouGetPtrPos           xPM     |
       |   MouGetPtrShape         xPM     |
       |   MouGetScaleFact        xPM     |
       |   MouInitReal            xWPM    |
       |   MouOpen                xPM     |
       |   MouReadEventQue        xPM     |
       |   MouRegister            xWPM    |
       |   MouRemovePtr           xPM     |
       |   MouSetDevStatus        xPM     |
       |   MouSetEventMask        xPM     |
       |   MouSetPtrPos           xPM     |
       |   MouSetPtrShape         xPM     |
       |   MouSetScaleFact        xPM     |
       |   MouSynch               xWPM    |

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs