

typedef struct _KBDKEYINFO {   /* kbci */
  UCHAR    chChar;             /* ASCII character code */
  UCHAR    chScan;             /* Scan Code */
  UCHAR    fbStatus;           /* State of the character */
  UCHAR    bNlsShift;          /* Reserved (set to zero) */
  USHORT   fsState;            /* State of the shift keys */
  ULONG    time;               /* Time stamp of keystroke (ms since ipl) */

#define INCL_KBD

USHORT  rc = KbdCharIn(CharData, IOWait, KbdHandle);

PKBDKEYINFO      CharData;      /* Buffer for data */
USHORT           IOWait;        /* Indicate if wait */
HKBD             KbdHandle;     /* Keyboard handle */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs