

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call translates scan codes with shift states into ASCII codes. 
 KbdXlate  (XlateRecord, KbdHandle) 
 XlateRecord (PKBDTRANS) - input 
    Address of the translation record structure: 
    chardata (KBDKEYINFO) 
       Character data information structure as defined in KbdCharIn call. 
    kbdflag (USHORT) 
       See the KbdDDFlagWord call in the "Keyboard Device Driver" section 
       of IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And Device 
       Support Volume 1. 
    xlate (USHORT) 
       Translation flag: 
       Value     Definition 
       0         Translation incomplete. 
       1         Translation complete. 
    xlatestate1 (USHORT) 
       Identifies the state of translation across successive calls; 
       initially the value should be zero. It may take several calls to 
       this function to complete a character. The value should not be 
       changed unless a new translation is required, that is, reset value 
       to zero. 
    xlatestate2 (USHORT) 
       See description for xlatestate1. 
 KbdHandle (HKBD) - input 
    Default keyboard or the logical keyboard. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    464       ERROR_KBD_DETACHED 
    504       ERROR_KBD_EXTENDED_SG 
 It may take several calls to complete a translation because of accent key 
 combinations, or other complex operations. 
 The Xlatestate1 and Xlatestate2 are for use by the keyboard translation 
 routines.  These fields are reserved and must only be accessed by the 
 caller prior to starting a translation sequence and then they must be set 
 to zero. The KbdXlate function is intended to be used for translating a 
 particular scan code for a given shift state.  The KbdXlate function is 
 not intended to be a replacement for the OS/2 system keystroke 
 translation function. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs