

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call gets the current state of the keyboard. 
 KbdGetStatus    (StatData, KbdHandle) 
 StatData (PKBDINFO) - output 
    Address of the keyboard status structure: 
    length (USHORT) 
       Length, in bytes, of this data structure, including length. 
       10        Only valid value. 
    sysstate (USHORT) 
       State as follows: 
       Bit       Description 
       15-9      Reserved, set to zero. 
       8         Shift return is on. 
       7         Length of the turn-around character (meaningful only if 
                 bit 6 is on). 
       6         Turn-around character is modified. 
       5         Interim character flags are modified. 
       4         Shift state is modified. 
       3         ASCII mode is on. 
       2         Binary mode is on. 
       1         Echo off. 
       0         Echo on. 
    turnchardef (USHORT) 
       Definition of the turn-around character. In ASCII and 
       extended-ASCII format, the turn-around character is defined as the 
       carriage return.  In ASCII format only, the turn-around character 
       is defined in the low-order byte. 
    intcharflag (USHORT) 
       Interim character flags: 
       Bit       Description 
       15-8      NLS shift state. 
       7         Interim character flag is on. 
       6         Reserved, set to zero. 
       5         Application requested immediate conversion. 
       4-0       Reserved, set to zero. 
    shiftstate (USHORT) 
       Shift state as follows: 
       Bit       Description 
       15        SysReq key down 
       14        CapsLock key down 
       13        NumLock key down 
       12        ScrollLock key down 
       11        Right Alt key down 
       10        Right Ctrl key down 
       9         Left Alt key down 
       8         Left Ctrl key down 
       7         Insert on 
       6         CapsLock on 
       5         NumLock on 
       4         ScrollLock on 
       3         Either Alt key down 
       2         Either Ctrl key down 
       1         Left Shift key down 
       0         Right Shift key down. 
 KbdHandle (HKBD) - input 
    Default keyboard or the logical keyboard. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    464       ERROR_KBD_DETACHED 
    504       ERROR_KBD_EXTENDED_SG 
 The initial state of the keyboard is established by the system at 
 application load time.  Some default states may be modified by the 
 application through KbdSetStatus.  KbdGetStatus returns only those 
 keyboard parameters initially set by KbdSetStatus. The returned 
 parameters are: 
 o Input Mode 
 o Interim Character Flags 
 o Shift State 
 o Echo State 
 o Turnaround Character 
 KbdGetStatus completes only when the handle has access to the physical 
 keyboard (focus) or the handle is 0 and no other handle has the focus. 
 Family API Considerations 
 Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in the OS/2 mode. 
 Therefore, the following restrictions apply to KbdGetStatus when coding 
 in the DOS mode: 
 o Interim character is not supported 
 o TurnAround character is not supported 
 o NLS_SHIFT_STATE is always NULL. 
 o KbdHandle is ignored. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs