


USHORT  rc = DosSemClear(SemHandle);

HSEM             SemHandle;     /* Semaphore handle */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

The following example illustrates the serialization of access to a shared 
resource between threads of the same process.  The program creates a 
nonexclusive system semaphore named resource.sem, requests access to the 
semaphore, clears it, and finally closes the semaphore.  For an 
illustration of notification of events, see the example given in 
DosOpenSem, DosSemSet, or DosSemWait. 


#include <os2.h>

#define SEM_NAME "\\SEM\\resource.sem"  /* Semaphore name */
#define TIMEOUT 1500L                   /* Timeout (in milliseconds) */

  HSEM SemHandle;
  USHORT rc;

  /* Note: the semaphore could have been created by another    */
  /*       thread.                                             */
  DosCreateSem(CSEM_PUBLIC,         /* Ownership - nonexclusive */
               &SemHandle,          /* Semaphore handle (returned) */
               SEM_NAME);           /* Semaphore name */
  if(!(rc = DosSemRequest(SemHandle,       /* Semaphore Handle */
                         TIMEOUT)))        /* Timeout Period   */
    /* Semaphore obtained; resource may now be used. */
    /* Clear the semaphore after using resource.     */
      /* Semaphore exclusively owned by another process --  */
      /* cannot clear now.                                  */
    /* Semaphore not obtained: error processing (i.e. switch on rc) */
  /* Semaphore no longer needed; close it */
    /* Semaphore is still set -- cannot close now */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs