


USHORT  rc = DosCreateThread(PgmAddress, ThreadIDWord, NewThreadStack);

PFNTHREAD        PgmAddress;     /* Program address */
PTID             ThreadIDWord;   /* New thread ID (returned) */
PBYTE            NewThreadStack; /* End of stack for new thread */

USHORT           rc;             /* return code */

In this example, a second thread is started at TestRoutine with a stack 
size of 4096 bytes. Remember to compile with Stack checking disabled 
(-Gs).  Also, threads started with DosCreateThread should not use some C 
library functions.  See chapter 6 of the 
IBM C/2 Language Reference (version 1.1) for a discussion of threads and 
C functions _beginthread and _endthread.  This example can be compiled as 
 clm -YMS -Gs example.c 

#define INCL_VIO
#define SLEEP_THREAD1 5000L
#define SLEEP_THREAD2 1000L
#define VIO_HANDLE 0
#define RETURN_CODE 0

TID    ThreadID;
BYTE   ThreadStackArea[4096];

VOID APIENTRY TestRoutine( )
   USHORT r;

   r = DosSleep(SLEEP_THREAD2);        /* Interval size */
   r = VioWrtTTY("...Thread2...",      /* String to be written */
                 14,                   /* Length of string */
                 VIO_HANDLE);          /* Video handle */
   DosExit(EXIT_THREAD,                /* Indicates end thread of process */
           RETURN_CODE);               /* Result code */

main( )
   rc = DosCreateThread( (PFNTHREAD) TestRoutine,     /* Program address */
                        &ThreadID,                    /* New thread ID */
                        &ThreadStackArea[4095]);     /* End of stack for
                                                               new thread */
   rc = DosSleep(SLEEP_THREAD2);       /* Interval size */

The following example shows how to suspend and resume execution of a 
thread within a process.  The main thread creates Thread2 and allows it to 
begin executing.  Thread2 iterates through a loop that prints a line and 
then sleeps, relinquishing its time slice to the main thread. After one 
iteration by Thread2, the main thread suspends Thread2 and then resumes 
it.  Subsequently, Thread2 completes the remaining three iterations. 


#include <os2.h>

#define   SEGSIZE       4000   /* Number of bytes requested in segment */
#define   ALLOCFLAGS    0      /* Segment allocation flags - no sharing */
#define   SLEEPSHORT    5L     /* Sleep interval - 5 milliseconds */
#define   SLEEPLONG     75L    /* Sleep interval - 75 milliseconds */
#define   RETURN_CODE   0      /* Return code for DosExit() */

  USHORT     i;

  /* Loop with four iterations */
  for(i=1; i<5; i++)
    printf("In Thread2, i is now %d\n", i);
    /* Sleep to relinquish time slice to main thread */
    DosSleep(SLEEPSHORT);          /* Sleep interval */
  DosExit(EXIT_THREAD,             /* Action code - end a thread */
          RETURN_CODE);            /* Return code */

  TID        ThreadID;             /* Thread identification */
  SEL        ThreadStackSel;       /* Segment selector for thread stack */
  PBYTE      StackEnd;             /* Ptr. to end of thread stack */
  USHORT     rc;

  /** Allocate segment for thread stack; make pointer to **/
  /**  end of stack. **/
  /** We must allocate a segment in order to preserve **/
  /**  segment protection for the thread. **/

  rc = DosAllocSeg(SEGSIZE,             /* Number of bytes requested */
                   &ThreadStackSel,     /* Segment selector (returned) */
                   ALLOCFLAGS);         /* Allocation flags - no sharing */
  StackEnd = MAKEP(ThreadStackSel, SEGSIZE-1);

  /** Start Thread2 **/
  if(!(rc=DosCreateThread((PFNTHREAD) Thread2,    /* Thread address */
                       &ThreadID,                 /* Thread ID (returned) */
                       StackEnd)))   /* End of thread stack */
    printf("Thread2 created.\n");

  /* Sleep to relinquish time slice to Thread2 */
  if(!(DosSleep(SLEEPSHORT)))                  /* Sleep interval */
    printf("Slept a little to let Thread2 execute.\n");

  /***** Suspend Thread2, do some work, then resume Thread2 *****/
  if(!(rc=DosSuspendThread(ThreadID)))         /* Thread ID */
    printf("Thread2 SUSPENDED.\n");
  printf("Perform work that will not be interrupted by Thread2.\n");
  if(!(rc=DosResumeThread(ThreadID)))          /* Thread ID */
    printf("Thread2 RESUMED.\n");
  printf("Now we may be interrupted by Thread2.\n");

  /* Sleep to allow Thread2 to complete */
  DosSleep(SLEEPLONG);                         /* Sleep interval */

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs