

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call adds an element to a queue. 
 DosWriteQueue     (QueueHandle, Request, DataLength, DataBuffer, 
 QueueHandle (HQUEUE) - input 
    Queue handle. 
 Request (USHORT) - input 
    A value to be passed with the queue element.  This word is used for 
    event encoding by the specific application. 
 DataLength (USHORT) - input 
    Length of the data being sent to the queue. 
 DataBuffer (PBYTE) - input 
    Address of the data buffer where data, that is to be placed in the 
    queue, is located. 
 ElemPriority (UCHAR) - input 
    Priority of the element being added to the queue.  If the priority is 
    specified as 15, the element is added to the top of the queue (that 
    is, in LIFO order). If the priority is specified as 0, the element is 
    added as the last element in the queue (that is, in FIFO order). 
    Elements with the same priority are in FIFO order.  This parameter is 
    valid for priority-type queues only. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    334       ERROR_QUE_NO_MEMORY 
 DosWriteQueue adds entries to a specified queue. 
 The Request, DataLength and DataBuffer parameters contain data understood 
 by the thread adding the element to the queue and by the thread that 
 receives the queue element. There is no special meaning to this data; 
 applications may use these parameters for any purpose they wish. OS/2 
 does not alter this data; it simply copies this data intact. OS/2 does 
 not validate the address of DataBuffer or the DataLength. 
 If the queue owner has defined a semaphore for use in its notification 
 when elements are added to the queue and if that semaphore is a RAM 
 semaphore, then that semaphore must be in a segment which is shared among 
 both the queue owner's process and this process.  If that semaphore 
 handle is for a system semaphore, then that semaphore must be opened by 
 this process before making a DosWriteQueue request to the queue. 
 If the owning process is terminated, or if the queue is closed before 
 this request is issued, ERROR_QUE_INVALID_HANDLE is returned. 
 If the owning process invokes a system semaphore when DosReadQueue or 
 DosPeekQueue is issued, other processes that issue DosWriteQueue must 
 first issue DosOpenSem to access the system semaphore. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs