

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call allows a process to change the priority of all the threads of 
any process; or all the threads of the current process or a child process, 
as well as any descendants; or a single thread within the current process. 
When a process changes the priority of threads in other processes, only 
default priorities are changed. 
 DosSetPrty     (Scope, PriorityClass, PriorityDelta, ID) 
 Scope (USHORT) - input 
    The extent of the priority change. 
    Value     Definition 
    0         All the threads of any process. 
    1         All the threads of a process and any descendants. The 
              indicated process must be the current process or a process 
              created by the current process. Detached processes may not 
              be specified. The indicated process may possibly have 
    2         A single thread of the current process. 
 PriorityClass (USHORT) - input 
    Priority class of a process. The values and descriptions are: 
    Value     Definition 
    0         No change, leave as is 
    1         Idle-time 
    2         Regular 
    3         Time-critical. 
    4         Fixed-high. 
 PriorityDelta (SHORT) - input 
    Delta priority to apply to the process's current base priority level. 
     This value must range from -31 to +31. 
 ID (USHORT) - input 
    A process ID (scope = 0 or 1) or a thread ID (scope = 2). If this 
    operand is equal to zero, the current process or thread is assumed. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    308       ERROR_INVALID_SCOPE 
 The OS/2 scheduler has a concept of priority classes and levels. 
  DosSetPrty allows threads to move between classes in response to changes 
 in their execution environments. Within each class, a thread's priority 
 level can vary because of a DosSetPrty request or action taken by the 
 system. System-initiated priority variation is performed as a combination 
 of a specific thread's actions and the overall system activity. 
 A time-critical thread has the highest priority class and executes before 
 any fixed-high, regular, or idle-time threads. A fixed-high thread has a 
 priority class that is lower than time-critical but executes before any 
 regular or idle-time threads. 
 Time-critical threads have static priorities that are not varied by OS/2. 
  Threads are scheduled in priority order, with round-robin scheduling of 
 threads of equal priority. 
 For each of the four priority classes, there are 32 distinct priority 
 levels, 0 to +31. Whenever DosSetPrty is issued with a class 
 specification, but no value is specified for PriorityDelta, the base 
 priority level defaults to zero. 
 The priority level of a process consists of a computed priority value 
 that is based upon the display status (foreground or background) of the 
 process, its recent I/O and processor time-usage history, and other 
 factors. The signed value specified in PriorityDelta is added to the 
 computed priority to produce the actual priority used by the scheduler. 
 The result is restricted to the valid range, based upon the current 
 priority class. 
 Specifying a higher priority delta allows a thread to obtain better 
 processor scheduling than it normally would.  A lower priority delta 
 gives the thread less processor resource than it normally receives. 
 When used with PriorityClass to change to a different class, the delta 
 value applies to the base priority. A new base level of 0 is assigned the 
 target thread and any PriorityDelta specified is relative to zero. 
 A process can change the priority of any thread within its current 
 process. However, when a process changes the priority of threads in 
 another process, only those with default priorities are changed. The 
 priority of any thread in another process that has explicitly changed its 
 priority from the default with DosSetPrty is not changed. 
 The initial thread of execution for an application is given a regular 
 class priority that varies by the system. A thread started with 
 DosCreateThread  inherits the priority of the thread in the process that 
 creates it. A child process started by a DosExecPgm call inherits the 
 priority of the thread in the parent process that creates it. 

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