

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call provides an interface into the OS/2 kernel to facilitate program 
 DosPtrace   (PtraceB) 
 PtraceB (PBYTE) - output 
    Address of the Ptrace command/data buffer.  This buffer is used to 
    communicate between the debug program and the DosPtrace routines. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    5         ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 
 DosPtrace allows a parent process to control the execution of another 
 process by implementing breakpoint debugging for a debugger. Both the 
 program under test and the program being debugged must be executing in 
 OS/2 mode. 
 DosPtrace supports debugging of a process with multiple threads by 
 allowing the debugger to read and write registers, freeze and resume 
 thread execution, and get status on the threads. 
 The debugger must be able to read and write the instructions, data, and 
 registers of the program being debugged to insert breakpoint 
 instructions.  When a process runs in OS/2 mode, one process cannot 
 directly manipulate the address space of another process.  OS/2 controls 
 this address space through the use of the trace flag facility in 
 DosExecPgm and the Ptrace buffer in DosPtrace. 
 The steps to program debugging in OS/2 mode follow: 
  1. The debug program issues DosExecPgm for the program to be debugged, 
     and specifies the trace option. 
  2. The debug program calls DosPtrace with the TRC_C_Stop command to 
     initialize the Ptrace Buffer. 
  3. The debug program sets up a Ptrace buffer with commands for inserting 
     the breakpoints and issues repeated DosPtrace requests as necessary. 
  4. The debug program sets up a Ptrace buffer with a command to begin 
     execution and issues DosPtrace.  This may be a TRC_CS_Step, or 
  5. When the kernel DosPtrace program receives control from the program 
     being debugged, it returns to the debug program with the Ptrace 
     buffer set to the current register contents and with indicators of 
     the reason for return. 
  6. The kernel DosPtrace program receives control at a breakpoint 
     interrupt, at processor exceptions, or when the program ends. 
 To debug a process with multiple threads, set a field in the Ptrace 
 buffer (Ptrace_B.TID)  to the thread ID of the thread of interest.  This 
 causes the read/write register commands to receive only the register set 
 of the specified thread. 
 Note:  For a process with multiple threads, the address space is the same 
        for all the threads in the process.  When commands are issued to 
        read/write memory locations or set breakpoints, they affect all 
        the threads in the process, even when a command is issued with a 
        specific thread ID. 
 The debugger may suspend and resume specific threads through use of the 
 TRC_C_Freeze and TRC_C_Resume commands.  Having only selected threads be 
 affected by the breakpoints is useful for manipulating them while other 
 threads are suspended. 
 When a process debugger terminates, the program being debugged also 
 terminates.  To accomplish this, an internal link between the debugger 
 and the program being debugged is maintained.  This link is established 
 as a result of the first successful DosPtrace command.  Once established, 
 this link can not be reset. 
 The process being debugged does not need to be a direct child process. In 
 this situation, a small window of time exists between the DosExecPgm call 
 and the first DosPtrace call. If the debugger terminates during this 
 window, the program being debugged cannot be cleaned up. The system 
 automatically terminates the program that was to be debugged. 
 Specifying a trace option of 2 with DosStartSession enables a debugger 
 running in the parent session to trace all processes associated with an 
 application running in the child session, regardless of whether the 
 process was started by DosStartSession request or by  DosExecPgm. See 
 DosStartSession for more information. 
 Contents of the Ptrace Buffer: 

  | PTRACE_B |    |    | STRUCTURE                                        |
  | PID      | DW | 0  | ; Process ID of the process being debugged       |
  | TID      | DW | 0  | ; Thread ID of the process being debugged        |
  | Cmd      | DW | 0  | ; Request to DosPtrace, or DosPtrace result code |
  | Value    | DW | ?  | ; Data to DosPtrace, or DosPtrace error code     |
  | OffV     | DW | ?  | ; Offset value                                   |
  | SegV     | DW | ?  | ; Segment value                                  |
  | MTE      | DW | ?  | ; Library Module handle                          |
  | Ptrace B |    |    |                                                  |
  | ENDS     |    |    |                                                  |

  | PTRACEREGS|    |    | STRUCTURE                        |
  | rAX       | DW | ?  | ; Registers AX through SS        |
  | rBX       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rCX       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rDX       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rSI       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rDI       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rBP       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rDS       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rES       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rIP       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rCS       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rF        | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rSP       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | rSS       | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | Ptraceregs|    |    |                                  |
  | ENDS      |    |    |                                  |
 For the TRC_C_ReadMemB and TRC_C_WriteMemB commands, the remainder of the 
 Ptrace buffer contains: 

  | PTRACEPTR |    |    | STRUCTURE                        |
  | OffB      | DW | ?  | ; Buffer Address                 |
  | SegB      | DW | ?  |                                  |
  | Ptraceptr |    |    |                                  |
  | ENDS      |    |    |                                  |
 DosPtrace Commands:   PTrace_B.Cmd must contain one of the following 
 upon entrance to DosPtrace: 

  | TRC_C_Null        | EQU 0   |                   | ; Invalid        |
  | TRC_C_ReadMem_I   | EQU 1   |                   | ; Instruction    |
  | TRC_C_ReadMem_D   | EQU 2   |                   | ; Data           |
  | TRC_C_ReadMem     | EQU     | TRC_C_ReadMem_I   |                  |
  | TRC_C_ReadReg     | EQU 3   |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_WriteMem_I  | EQU 4   |                   | ; Instruction    |
  | TRC_C_WriteMem_D  | EQU 5   |                   | ; Data           |
  | TRC_C_WriteMem    | EQU     | TRC_C_WriteMem_I  |                  |
  | TRC_C_WriteReg    | EQU 6   |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_Go          | EQU 7   |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_Term        | EQU 8   |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_SStep       | EQU 9   |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_Stop        | EQU 10  |                   | ; Initialize     |
  | TRC_C_Freeze      | EQU 11  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_Resume      | EQU 12  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_NumToSel    | EQU 13  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_GetFPRegs   | EQU 14  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_SetFPRegs   | EQU 15  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_GetLibName  | EQU 16  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_ThrdStat    | EQU 17  |                   |                  |
  | TRC_C_ReadMem_B   | EQU 18  |                   | ; Read Block     |
  | TRC_C_WriteMem_B  | EQU 19  |                   | ; Write Block    |
 Commands and Required Input:   A command is issued by placing the command 
 number in Ptrace buffer, and calling DosPtrace with that buffer. 
 All of the commands require that Ptrace_B.PID be the PID of the process 
 to debug. 
 TRC_C_Null               Not a valid command 
 Memory Operations: 
    For the following commands, SegV:OffV is the affected location, and 
    Ptrace_B.Value contains the value to write to or that was read from 
    the debugger's memory.  GDT segments cannot be written to: all except 
    privilege level 2 and 3 access is disallowed. A write to a shared code 
    segment makes that segment a non-shared segment before the write. 
    TRC_C_ReadMem_I          Read instruction. 
    TRC_C_ReadMem_D          Read data. 
    TRC_C_ReadMem            Read any memory. 
    TRC_C_WriteMem_I         Write instruction. 
    TRC_C_WriteMem_D         Write data. 
    TRC_C_WriteMem           Write to any memory. 
 Block operations: 
    For the block operations, SegV:OffV must point to the starting address 
    in the debugger's memory, and Value is the number of bytes to copy. 
     On return, Value contains the number of bytes actually copied. 
    TRC_C_ReadMem_B          Read memory block. 
    TRC_C_WriteMem_B         Write memory block. 
 Register / Thread Operations: 
    For the following commands, Ptrace_B.TID must contain the thread ID of 
    the thread in question.  If the Ptrace_B.TID field is zero: 
    o TRC_C_ThrdStat returns the number of threads in the process, 
    o TRC_C_Freeze and TRC_C_Resume affects all of the debugger's threads. 
    TRC_C_ReadReg            Examine thread's registers. 
    TRC_C_WriteReg           Write thread's registers. 
    TRC_C_Freeze             Suspend a thread. 
    TRC_C_Resume             Resume a suspended thread. 
    TRC_C_ThrdStat           Get thread status. 
 Command Operations: 
    For the following commands, the Ptrace_B.PID must be valid. The 
    Ptrace_B registers are ignored for these commands.  For TRC_C_Go and 
    TRC_C_SStep, any thread may gain  control first.  The TRC_C_Term 
    command terminates the program being debugged. 
    TRC_C_Go                 Run the program being debugged. 
    TRC_C_Term               Terminate the program being debugged. 
    TRC_C_SStep              Run one instruction. 
    TRC_C_Stop               Initialize PTrace buffer. 
 Library Support: 
    For TRC_C_NumToSel, Ptrace_B.Value should be set to the segment number 
    on entrance, and a valid selector on exit.  Also, Ptrace_B.MTE should 
    be set to the module's handle.  The MTE identifies the different 
    library files in the program being debugged. 
    For TRC_C_GetLibName, SegV:OffV should point to a buffer where the 
    name of the library is returned. PTrace_B.Value should hold the 
    library's module handle (MTE). 
    TRC_C_NumToSel           Convert Segment number to selector. 
    TRC_C_GetLibName         Return name of module. 
 Floating Point Support: 
    For the following two commands, SegV:OffV must contain a pointer to a 
    94 byte buffer to be used to read/write the floating point registers 
    The layout of this area is described in the NPX287 manual under the 
    heading FSAVE/FRSTOR memory layout. 
    TRC_C_GetFPRegs          Read floating point registers. 
    TRC_C_SetFPRegs          Write floating point registers. 
 DosPtrace Return Codes: 
    When DosPtrace returns to the debug program, the result is placed in 
    Ptrace_B.Cmd, and reflects the reason for the return. 
    The values returned are: 

     | TRC_C_SUC_ret  | EQU 0    | ; Success      |
     | TRC_C_ERR_ret  | EQU -1   | ; Error        |
     | TRC_C_SIG_ret  | EQU -2   | ; Signal       |
     | TRC_C_TBT_ret  | EQU -3   | ; Single Step  |
     | TRC_C_BPT_ret  | EQU -4   | ; Breakpoint   |
     | TRC_C_NMI_ret  | EQU -5   | ; Parity Error |
     | TRC_C_KIL_ret  | EQU -6   | ; Process      |
     |                |          | dying          |
     | TRC_C_GPF_ret  | EQU -7   | ; GP fault     |
     | TRC_C_LIB_ret  | EQU -8   | ; Library load |
     | TRC_C_FPE_ret  | EQU -9   | ; FP error     |
     | TRC_C_THD_ret  | EQU -10  | ; Thread       |
     |                |          | ending         |
     | TRC_C_STP_ret  | EQU -11  | ; Async. Stop. |
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_ERR_ret, Ptrace_B.Value is set to 
    one of the following: 
    TRACE_BAD_COMMAND             EQU 1 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_SIG_ret, the process is about to 
    receive a signal. 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_KIL_ret, the process is about to 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd returns as TRC_C_GPF_ret, the process creates a 
    General Protection fault.  The fault type is returned in 
    PTrace_B.Value, and SegV:OffV contains the reference that generated 
    the fault. 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_LIB_ret, a library module has 
    been loaded.  The new module table entry (MTE)  is returned in 
    Ptrace_B.Value.  This can be used with the library support commands to 
    identify the library module.  The program module's MTE is returned in 
    PTrace_B.MTE.  In this case, the initial TRC_C_Stop command should be 
    re-issued until TRC_C_SUC_ret is returned. 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_FPE_ret, the process has 
    generated a floating point error. 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_THD_ret, the Ptrace_b.TID field 
    contains the thread ID of the terminating thread. 
    If Ptrace_B.Cmd is returned as TRC_C_STP_ret, then the asynchronous 
    stop caused the debugger to stop. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs