

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call moves a file object to another location and changes its name. 
 DosMove    (OldPathName, NewPathName, Reserved) 
 OldPathName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the old path name of the file to be moved. 
 NewPathName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the new path name of the file. 
 Reserved (ULONG) - input 
    Reserved and must be set to zero. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    2         ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 
    3         ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 
    5         ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 
    17        ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE 
    26        ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 
    108       ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED 
 This call is often used to change only the name of a file or 
 subdirectory, allowing the file object to remain in the same 
 subdirectory. Global file name characters are not allowed in the source 
 or target name. 
 If the paths specified are different, this allows the subdirectory 
 location of the file object to be changed as well. If a drive is 
 specified for the target, it must be the same as the one specified or 
 implied by the source. 
 Any attempts to move a parent subdirectory to one of its descendant 
 subdirectories are rejected, because a subdirectory cannot be both an 
 ancestor and a descendant of the the same subdirectory. Any attempts by a 
 process to move the current subdirectory or any of its ancestors are also 
 Attributes (times and dates) of the source file object are moved to the 
 target. If read-only files exist in the target path, they are not 
 DosQSysInfo is called during initialization by an application to 
 determine the maximum path length allowed by OS/2. 
 DosMove can be used to change the case of a file on an FSD drive. The 
 following example  would change the name of the file to "File.Txt". 

 Family API Considerations 
 Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in the OS/2 mode. 
  Therefore, the following restriction applies to DosMove when coding for 
 the DOS mode: 
 File names passed to OldPathName and NewPathName are truncated by the 
 system in the DOS mode only.  The application must truncate all files 
 passed to OldPathName and NewPathName in the OS/2 mode or an error code 
 is returned. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs