

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call obtains a DBCS (double byte character set) environmental vector 
that resides in the country information file. 
 DosGetDBCSEv      (Length, Country, MemoryBuffer) 
 Length (USHORT) - input 
    Length, in bytes, of the data area (MemoryBuffer). This value should 
    be at least 10. 
 Country (PCOUNTRYCODE) - input 
    Address of the country information structure: 
    countrycode (USHORT) 
       Country code identifier. 0 is the default country code. 
    codepage (USHORT) 
       Code page identifier. 0 is the code page of the current process. 
 MemoryBuffer (PCHAR) - output 
    Address of the country dependent information for the DBCS 
    environmental vector.  This memory area is provided by the caller. The 
    size of the area is provided by the input parameter Length. If it is 
    too small to hold all the available information, then as much 
    information as possible is provided in the available space. The format 
    of the information returned in this buffer is: 
    Word      Description 
    1         First range definition for DBCS lead byte values 
              High byte   Binary start value (inclusive) for range one 
              Low byte    Binary stop value (inclusive) for range one. 
    2         Second range definition 
              High byte   Binary start value for range two 
              Low byte    Binary stop value for range two. 
    N         Nth range definition 
              High byte    Binary start value for Nth range 
              Low byte    Binary stop value for Nth range. 
    N + 1     Two bytes of binary 0 terminate list. 
    For example: 

      DB  81H,9FH
      DB  E0H,FCH
      DB  00H,00H
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    397       ERROR_NLS_OPEN_FAILED 
 The returned DBCS environmental vector may be for the default country and 
 current process code page or for a specific country and code page.  For 
 more information on code page see DosSetCp. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs