

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call finds the first file object or group of file objects whose 
name(s) match the specification. The specification can include extended 
attribute information associated with a file or subdirectory. 
 DosFindFirst2     (FileName, DirHandle, Attribute, ResultBuf, 
                   ResultBufLen, SearchCount, FileInfoLevel, Reserved) 
 FileName (PSZ) - input 
    Address of the ASCIIZ path name of the file or subdirectory to be 
    found. The name component may contain global file name characters. 
 DirHandle (PHDIR) - input/output 
    Address of the handle associated with a specific DosFindFirst2 
    request. The values that can be specified are: 
    0001H     The system assigns the handle for standard output, which is 
              always available to a process. 
    FFFFH     The system allocates and returns a handle. If on input FFFFH 
              is specified, on output DirHandle contains the handle 
              allocated by the system. 
              The DosFindFirst2 handle is used with subsequent 
               DosFindNext requests. Reuse of this handle in another 
              DosFindFirst2 closes the association with the previous 
              DosFindFirst2 and opens a new association. 
 Attribute (USHORT) - input 
    Attribute value that determines the file objects to be searched for. 
    Bit       Description 
    15-6      Reserved and must be zero. 
    5         File archive 
    4         Subdirectory 
    3         Reserved and must be zero. 
    2         System file 
    1         Hidden file 
    0         Read only file 
    These bits may be set individually or in combination.  For example, an 
    attribute value of 0021H (bits 5 and 0 set to 1) indicates a read-only 
    file that should be archived. 
    To look at all directory entries except the volume label, set 
    Attribute to hidden+system+directory (all three bits on). Attribute 
    cannot specify the volume label.  Volume labels are queried using 
    If Attribute is 0, only normal file entries are found.  Entries for 
    subdirectories, hidden, and system files, are not returned. 
 ResultBuf (PVOID) - input/output 
    Address of the directory search structures for file object information 
    levels 1 through 3. The structure required for ResultBuf is dependent 
    on the value specified for FileInfoLevel.  The information returned 
    reflects the last DosSetFileInfo, DosSetPathInfo, DosClose, and 
    DosBufReset calls. 
    Level 1 Information 
       ResultBuf contains the following structure, to which directory 
       entry information is returned: 
       filedate (FDATE) 
          Structure containing the date of file creation. 
          Bit       Description 
          15-9      Year, in binary, of file creation 
          8-5       Month, in binary, of file creation 
          4-0       Day, in binary, of file creation. 
       filetime (FTIME) 
          Structure containing the time of file creation. 
          Bit       Description 
          15-11     Hours, in binary, of file creation 
          10-5      Minutes, in binary, of file creation 
          4-0       Seconds, in binary number of two-second increments, of 
                    file creation. 
       fileaccessdate (FDATE) 
          Structure containing the date of last access. See FDATE in 
       fileaccesstime (FTIME) 
          Structure containing the time of last access. See FTIME in 
       writeaccessdate (FDATE) 
          Structure containing the date of last write. See FDATE in 
       writeaccesstime (FTIME) 
          Structure containing the time of last write. See FTIME in 
       filesize (ULONG) 
          File size. 
       filealloc (ULONG) 
          Allocated file size. 
       fileattrib (USHORT) 
          Attributes of the file, defined in DosSetFileMode. 
       length (UCHAR) 
          Length of the ASCIIZ name string. 
       matchfilename (CHAR) 
          ASCIIZ name string for the first occurrence of FileName. 
    Level 2 Information 
       ResultBuf contains a structure similar to the Level 1 structure, 
       with the addition of the cbList field inserted before the name 
       length field of the matched file object. 
       cbList (ULONG) 
          On output, this field contains the length of the entire EA set 
          for the file object.  This value can be used to calculate the 
          size of the buffer required to hold EA information returned when 
          FileInfoLevel = 3 is specified. 
    Level 3 Information 
       ResultBuf contains an EAOP structure, which has the following 
       format : 
       fpGEAList (PGEALIST) 
          Address of GEAList. GEAList is a packed array of variable length 
          "get EA" structures, each containing an EA name and the length 
          of the name. 
       fpFEAList (PFEALIST) 
          Address of FEAList. FEAList is a packed array of variable length 
          "full EA" structures, each containing an EA name and its 
          corresponding value, as well as the lengths of the name and the 
       oError (ULONG) 
          Offset into structure where error has occurred. 
          On input, fpGEAList contains the address of a GEA list, which 
          defines the attribute names whose values are to be returned. 
          fpGEAList is ignored.  In case of error, oError contains the 
          offset of the offending GEA entry. Following is the format of 
          the GEAList structure: 
       cbList (ULONG) 
          Length of the GEA list, including the length itself. 
       list (GEA) 
          List of GEA structures.  A GEA structure has the following 
          cbName (BYTE) 
             Length of EA ASCIIZ name, which does not include the null 
          szName (CHAR) 
             ASCIIZ name of EA. 
             Following the EAOP structure is a structure similar to the 
             Level 1 structure, with the addition of an FEAList structure 
             inserted before the name length field for the matched file 
             On output, this structure contains a packed set of records 
             representing the directory entry and associated EAs for the 
             matched file object. Following is the format of the FEAList 
       cbList (ULONG) 
          Length of the FEA list, including the length itself. 
       list (FEA) 
          List of FEA structures.  An FEA structure has the following 
          Flags (BYTE) 
             Bit indicator describing the characteristics of the EA being 
             Bit       Description 
             7         Critical EA. 
             6-0       Reserved and must be set to zero. 
             If bit 7 is set to 1, this indicates a critical EA.  If bit 7 
             is 0, this means the EA is noncritical; that is, the EA is 
             not essential to the intended use by an application of the 
             file with which it is associated. 
          cbName (BYTE) 
             Length of EA ASCIIZ name, which does not include the null 
          cbValue (USHORT) 
             Length of EA value, which cannot exceed 64KB. 
          szName (PSZ) 
             ASCIIZ name of EA. 
          aValue (PSZ) 
             Free-format value of EA. 
             The szName and aValue fields are not included as part of 
             header or include files.  Because of their variable lengths, 
             these entries must be built manually. 
 ResultBufLen (USHORT) - input 
    Length of ResultBuf. 
 SearchCount (PUSHORT) - input/output 
    Address of the number of matching entries requested in ResultBuf. On 
    return, this field contains the number of entries placed into 
 FileInfoLevel (USHORT) 
    The level of file information required. A value of 1, 2, or 3 can be 
    specified. The structures described in ResultBuf indicate the 
    information returned for each of these levels. 
    Regardless of the level specified, a DosFindFirst2 request (and an 
    associated DosFindNext request) always includes the information 
    returned by level 1 as part of the information that is returned. 
    However, when level 1 information is specifically requested, an 
    inclusive search is made. That is, all normal file entries plus all 
    entries matching any specified attributes are returned. 
 Reserved (ULONG) - input 
    Reserved, must be set to zero. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    2         ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 
    3         ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 
    18        ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES 
    26        ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 
    108       ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED 
    254       ERROR_INVALID_EA_NAME 
    275       ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT 
 DosFindFirst2 returns directory entries (up to the number requested in 
 SearchCount) and extended attribute information for as many files or 
 subdirectories whose names, attributes, and extended attributes match the 
 specification, and whose information fits in ResultBuf.  On output, 
 SearchCount contains the actual number of directory entries returned. 
 DosFindNext uses the directory handle associated with DosFindFirst2 to 
 continue the search started by the DosFindFirst2 request. 
 Any non-zero return code except ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT indicates no handle 
 has been allocated. This includes such non-error indicators as 
 For programs running without the NEWFILES bit set, only 8.3 filename 
 format names are returned.  These names are changed to uppercase. 
 In the case of ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, a search handle is returned, and a 
 subsequent call to DosFindNext will get the next matching entry in the 
 directory. You may use DosQPathInfo to retrieve the EAs for the matching 
 entry by using the EA arguments that were used for the DosFindFirst2 call 
 and the name that was returned by DosFindFirst2. 
 In the case of ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, only information for the first 
 matching entry is returned. This entry is the one whose EAs did not fit 
 in the buffer. The information returned is in the format of that returned 
 for InfoLevel 2. No further entries are returned in the buffer even if 
 they could fit in the remaining space. 
 Family API Considerations 
 Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in OS/2 mode. 
  Therefore, the following restrictions apply to DosFindFirst when coding 
 for the DOS mode: 
 DirHandle must always equal hex 0001H or FFFFH on the initial call to 
 DosFindFirst. Subsequent calls to DosFindFirst must have a DirHandle of 
 hex 0001H unless a DosFindClose had been issued.  In this case, 0001H or 
 FFFFH is allowed. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs