

Bindings:  C, MASM 

This call performs multiple locking, unlocking, seeking, and I/O 
operations on an 
opened file. 
 DosFileIO     (FileHandle, CommandList, CommandListLen, ErrorOffset) 
 FileHandle (HFILE) - input 
    The handle of the file. 
 CommandList (PBYTE) - input 
    Address of the list of entries, indicating the operations to be 
    performed. CmdLock, CmdUnlock, CmdSeek, and CmdIO operations are 
    atomic. Thus, the completion of one operation is not dependent upon 
    the completion of another operation following it in the list. 
    Operations are performed until all are complete or until one fails. 
       Lock command structure. To perform lock operations on one or more 
       regions in a file, a structure is created that has the following 
       Cmd (USHORT) - input 
          A value of 0 is required for a lock operation. 
       LockCnt (USHORT) - input 
          Number of regions in the file that are to be locked. 
       TimeOut (LONG) - input 
          The count in milliseconds until the requesting process is to 
          resume execution if the requested locks are not available. In 
          addition to specifying a milliseconds value, the following 
          values and their meanings may also be specified: 
          Value       Definition 
          FFFFFFFFH   Wait indefinitely until the requested locks become 
          00000000H   Return immediately to the requesting process. 
                      Because the lock operation is atomic, if a lock 
                      within a CmdLock causes a time out, none of the 
                      other locks within the scope of CmdLock are in 
       Lock record structure. The CmdLock structure is followed by a 
       series of records in the following format: 
       Share (USHORT) - input 
          Defines the type of access other processes may have to the file 
          range being locked. Values and their meanings are: 
          Value     Definition 
          0         Other processes have "No-Access" to the locked range. 
                     The current process has both read and write access to 
                    the locked range.  A region with Share = 0 must not 
                    overlap any other locked region. 
          1         Other processes and the current process have 
                    "Read-Only" access to the locked range. A range locked 
                    with Share = 1 may overlap other ranges locked with 
                    Share = 1, but must not overlap other ranges locked 
                    with Share = 0. 
       Start (ULONG) - input 
          Offset into file where region to be locked starts. 
       Length (ULONG) - input 
          Length of region to be locked. 
       Unlock command structure. To perform unlock operations on one or 
       more regions in a file, a structure is created that has the 
       following format: 
       Cmd (USHORT) - input 
          A value of 1 is required for an unlock operation. 
       UnlockCnt (USHORT) - input 
          Number of regions in the file that are to be unlocked. 
       Unlock record structure. The CmdUnlock structure is followed by a 
       series of records in the following format: 
       Start (ULONG) - input 
          Offset into file where region to be unlocked starts. 
       Length (ULONG) - input 
          Length of region to be unlocked. 
       Seek command structure. To perform seek operations on one or more 
       locked regions in a file, a structure is created that has the 
       following format: 
       Cmd (USHORT) - input 
          A value of 2 is required for a seek operation. 
       Method (USHORT) - input 
          Location in file whose offset is used to calculate the new 
          position of the file pointer by adding to it the offset 
          specified by Position. 
          Value     Definition 
          0         Beginning of the file 
          1         Current location of the file pointer 
          2         End of the file. 
       Position (LONG) - input 
          The distance to move, in bytes. 
       Actual ULONG - output 
          New position of the file pointer. 
       I/O command structure. To perform I/O operations on one or more 
       locked regions in a file, a structure is created that has the 
       following format: 
       Cmd (USHORT) - input 
          Either of the following values are specified: 
          Value     Definition 
          3         Read operation 
          4         Write operation. 
       Buffer (PBYTE) - input/output 
          Address of the input or output buffer. 
       BufferLen (USHORT) - input 
          Number of bytes requested to be read or written. 
       Actual (USHORT) - output 
          Number of bytes actually transferred. 
 CommandListLen (USHORT) - input 
    The length in bytes of CommandList. 
 ErrorOffset (PLONG) - output 
    Address of the byte offset of the record in which the error occurred. 
 rc (USHORT) - return 
    Return code descriptions are: 
    0         NO_ERROR 
    5         ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 
    95        ERROR_INTERRUPT 
    131       ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK 
    132       ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE 
 DosFileIO combines the following operations into a single request: 
 o Unlocking and locking multiple file ranges 
 o Changing the file position pointer 
 o Performing file I/O. 
 The ability to combine operations on files provides improved performance 
 and makes DosFileIO particularly suited to a networking environment. 
 Unlike DosFileLocks, which unconditionally prevents access to only one 
 range in a file at a time, DosFileIO permits multiple regions to be 
 locked. DosFileIO also offers the option of read-only access to locked 
 regions by the current process and any sharing processes. 
 If another process attempts to read or write in a "No-access" region, or 
 if any process attempts to write in a "Read-only" region, 
 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is returned. 
 A range to be locked must first be cleared of any locked subranges or 
 overlapping ranges. If a time out occurs before locking can be completed, 
 DosFileIO returns with an unsuccessful return code. The caller may return 
 after the time-out period has expired without receiving an 
 ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT.  Therefore, semaphore time-out values should not be 
 used for exact timing and sequencing. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs