
Control Program Function Calls

This section reflects the Dos API interface of OS/2 only. 
The Dos function calls can be used in full-screen and Presentation Manager 
sessions to perform basic operating-system operations, such as file 
input/output, memory allocation, and thread and process 
  1. Calls marked xPM are not supported by Presentation Manager, and must 
     not be used by Presentation Manager applications.  An error code is 
     returned if any of these calls are issued. 
  2. Calls marked xWPM are not windowable and are not supported by 
     Presentation Manager.  They can be used in OS/2 mode. 
  3. Calls marked FAPI are present in the Family API. 

       |   FUNCTION CALL          ICON         |
       |   DosAllocHuge           FAPI         |
       |   DosAllocHuge           FAPI         |
       |   DosAllocSeg            FAPI         |
       |   DosBeep                FAPI         |
       |   DosBufReset            FAPI         |
       |   DosCaseMap             FAPI         |
       |   DosChDir               FAPI         |
       |   DosChgFilePtr          FAPI         |
       |   DosClose               FAPI         |
       |   DosCreateCSAlias       FAPI         |
       |   DosDelete              FAPI         |
       |   DosDevConfig           FAPI         |
       |   DosDevIOCtl            FAPI         |
       |   DosDupHandle           FAPI         |
       |   DosEnumAttribute       FAPI         |
       |   DosErrClass            FAPI         |
       |   DosError               FAPI         |
       |   DosExecPgm             FAPI         |
       |   DosExit                FAPI         |
       |   DosFileLocks           FAPI         |
       |   DosFindClose           FAPI         |
       |   DosFindFirst           FAPI         |
       |   DosFindFirst2          FAPI         |
       |   DosFindNext            FAPI         |
       |   DosFreeSeg             FAPI         |
       |   DosGetCollate          FAPI         |
       |   DosGetCp               FAPI         |
       |   DosGetCtryInfo         FAPI         |
       |   DosGetDateTime         FAPI         |
       |   DosGetDBCSEv           FAPI         |
       |   DosGetEnv              FAPI         |
       |   DosGetHugeShift        FAPI         |
       |   DosGetMachineMode      FAPI         |
       |   DosGetPID              FAPI         |
       |   DosGetVersion          FAPI         |
       |   DosHoldSignal          FAPI         |
       |   DosInsMessage          FAPI         |
       |   DosMkDir               FAPI         |
       |   DosMkDir2              FAPI         |
       |   DosMonClose            xPM          |
       |   DosMonOpen             xPM          |
       |   DosMonRead             xPM          |
       |   DosMonReg              xPM          |
       |   DosMonWrite            xPM          |
       |   DosMove                FAPI         |
       |   DosNewSize             FAPI         |
       |   DosOpen                FAPI         |
       |   DosOpen2               FAPI         |
       |   DosPortAccess          FAPI         |
       |   DosPutMessage          FAPI         |
       |   DosQCurDir             FAPI         |
       |   DosQCurDisk            FAPI         |
       |   DosQFHandState         FAPI         |
       |   DosQFileInfo           FAPI         |
       |   DosQFileMode           FAPI         |
       |   DosQFSInfo             FAPI         |
       |   DosQHandType           FAPI         |
       |   DosQPathInfo           FAPI         |
       |   DosQVerify             FAPI         |
       |   DosRead                FAPI         |
       |   DosReallocHuge         FAPI         |
       |   DosReallocSeg          FAPI         |
       |   DosRmDir               FAPI         |
       |   DosSelectDisk          FAPI         |
       |   DosSetCp               FAPI xPM     |
       |   DosSetDateTime         FAPI         |
       |   DosSetFHandState       FAPI         |
       |   DosSetFileInfo         FAPI         |
       |   DosSetFileMode         FAPI         |
       |   DosSetFSInfo           FAPI         |
       |   DosSetPathInfo         FAPI         |
       |   DosSetSigHandler       FAPI         |
       |   DosSetVec              FAPI         |
       |   DosSetVerify           FAPI         |
       |   DosSizeSeg             FAPI         |
       |   DosSleep               FAPI         |
       |   DosSubAlloc            FAPI         |
       |   DosSubFree             FAPI         |
       |   DosSubSet              FAPI         |
       |   DosWrite               FAPI         |

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs