
Glossary - G

4 A B C D E F H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X 

Global Aliases:  A CMD.EXE option which allows you to store aliases in a 
global area accessible to all copies of CMD.EXE, so that any change made 
by one copy is immediately available to all other copies.  See also Local 
Global Directory History:  An option which allows you to store the 
directory history in a global area accessible to all copies of CMD.EXE, so 
that any change made by one copy is immediately available to all other 
copies.  See also Local Directory History. 
Global History:  A CMD.EXE option which allows you to store the command 
history in a global area accessible to all copies of CMD.EXE, so that any 
change made by one copy is immediately available to all other copies.  See 
also Local History. 
Graphics Mode:  A display mode in which output is displayed in any one of 
a range of fonts, typically in resizable windows with a variable number of 
text rows and columns, and which supports the display of graphics and 
pictures along with text.  See also Character Mode. 

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Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs