
Keys and Key Names

Key names are used to define keystroke aliases, and in several CMD.INI 
directives, and with the KEYSTACK command.  The format of a key name is 
the same in all three uses: 


The key prefix can be left out, or it can be any one of the following: 

        Alt         followed by A - Z, 0 - 9, F1 - F12, or Bksp
        Ctrl        followed by A - Z, F1 - F12, Tab, Bksp, Enter,
                      Left, Right, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ins, or Del
        Shift       followed by F1 - F12 or Tab.

The possible key names are: 

        A - Z           Enter           PgDn
        0 - 9           Up              Home
        F1 - F          Down            End
        Esc             Left            Ins
        Bksp            Right           Del
        Tab             PgUp

All key names must be spelled as shown.  Alphabetic keys can be specified 
in upper or lower case.  You cannot specify a punctuation key. 
The prefix and key name must be separated by a dash [-].  For example: 

        Alt-F10        This is okay
        Alt F10        The space will cause an error

If you prefer, you can use a numeric value instead of a key name. Use the 
ASCII code for an ASCII, extended ASCII, or control character.  Use the 
scan code preceded by an at sign [@] for extended key codes like F1 or the 
cursor keys.  For example, use 13 for Enter, or @59 for F1.  In general, 
you will find it easier to use the names described above rather than key 
numbers. See the Reference Tables for an explanation and list of ASCII and 
key codes. 
Some keys are intercepted by OS/2 and are not passed on to CMD.EXE.  For 
example, Ctrl-S pauses screen output temporarily, and Ctrl-Esc pops up the 
OS/2 window list.  Keys which are intercepted by OS/2 generally cannot be 
assigned to aliases or with key mapping directives, because CMD.EXE never 
receives these keystrokes and therefore cannot act on them. 
You also may not be able to use certain keys if your keyboard is not 100% 
IBM-compatible or your keyboard driver does not support them.  For 
example, on some systems the F11 and F12 keys are not recognized; others 
may not support unusual combinations like Ctrl-Tab.  These problems are 
rare; when they do occur, they are usually due to OS/2. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs