
Startup and Configuration

What's New - Startup and Configuration 
        »  In previous versions the "global" portion of the .INI file (the 
           part prior to any [Primary] or [Secondary] section) did not 
           have a section name.  This has been changed; a section name 
           matching the product name is now required, for example: 

                   EditMode  = Insert
           [Primary] and [Secondary] section names are still supported as 
        Added or modified the following .INI directives (all are new 
        unless otherwise noted): 
        »  CDDWinLeft, CDDWinTop, CDDWinWidth, CDDWinHeight, and 
           CDDWinColors:  These directives set the position, size, and 
           color of the popup window used for extended directory searches. 
        »  DescriptionName:  This directive has a new capability:  If set 
           to "EA", CMD.EXE will use extended attributes (specifically, 
           the ".SUBJECT" EA) for file descriptions, rather than 
           DESCRIPT.ION or another file.  Depending on operating system 
           configuration and cache behavior, this setting can cause a 
           significant reduction in performance, but may be useful when 
           working with other programs that manipulate Extended 
        »  DuplicateBugs = Yes | NO:  Tells the parser to duplicate 
           certain CMD.EXE errors which may be important in solving rare 
           compatibility problems.  The only bug currently replicated by 
           this command is the IF command. 
        »  FileCompletion = cmd1:ext1 ext2;cmd2 ...:  Sets up 
           command-specific filename completion. 
        »  FuzzyCD =  0 | 1 | 2 | 3:  Enables or disables extended 
           directory searches, and controls their behavior. 
        »  HistMove = Yes | NO:  If set to Yes, a recalled line from the 
           command history is moved to the end of the history list, and 
           removed from its original location. 
        »  Include = filename:  Includes the contents of the named file as 
           if they had appeared at the location of the Include= directive 
           in the current .INI file. 
        »  ListboxBarColors = Color:  Sets the color for the highlight bar 
           in the popup listboxes (command history, filename completion, 
           @SELECT, etc.). 
        »  TabStops = nnnn (8):  This new .INI directive specifies the tab 
           expansion size when displaying a file in LIST. 
        »  TreePath = Path:  Specifies the location of JPSTREE.IDX (the 
           extended directory search database; defaults to C:\). 
 3.02  »   ListRowStart  = 1 |  0:  Specifies whether LIST and FFIND 
           consider the first line in a file to be line "1" or line "0". 
            The new default is "1". 
 3.02  »   PathExt  = NO |  Yes:  Determines whether CMD.EXE uses standard 
           extensions when searching the path, or uses the alternate 
           extensions specified in the PATHEXT environment variable. 
 3.02  »   UnixPaths= Yes |  NO:  Enables or disables the forward slash as 
           a path separator in the command name (the first item on the 
           command line). 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs