
.INI File Examples

This example configures certain special characters to match 4DOS, and 
changes other default settings to suit the user's preferences.  Note that 
the comments for the HelpBook and ColorDir directives are on separate 
lines before the directives themselves, as no comments are allowed in 
string directives: 

        InstallPath = c:\CMD.EXE300      ;installation directory
        PauseOnError = No             ;don't stop on INI errors
        CommandSep = ^                ;4DOS command separator
        ParameterChar = &             ;4DOS parameter character
        BatchEcho = No                ;default to ECHO OFF
                                      ;show only CMD.EXE help for F1 / HELP
        HelpBook = CMD.EXE
        History = 2048                ;expand history to 2K bytes
        BeepFreq = 880                ;make beep higher pitch
        EditMode = Insert             ;insert mode for cmd edit
        CursorOver = 100              ;overstrike cursor 100%
        CursorIns = 10                ;insert cursor 10%
        ListFind = F5                 ;F5 does a find in LIST
        ListNext = F6                 ;and F6 does a find next
        StdColors = bri cya on blu    ;default colors
        ListColors = bri whi on blu   ;colors for LIST
        SelectColors = bri whi on blu ;same colors for SELECT
                                      ;set directory display colors
        colordir = DIRS:bri yel;com exe bat btm cmd:bri whi

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs