
Configuration Directives

These directives control the way that CMD.EXE operate.  Some can be 
changed with the SETDOS command while CMD.EXE is running. Any 
corresponding SETDOS command is listed in the description of each 
directive.  The configuration directives are: 
        AmPm                Time display format 
        AppendToDir         "\" on directory names in filename completion 
        BatchEcho           Default batch file echo state 
        BeepFreq            Default beep frequency 
        BeepLength          Default beep length 
        CDDWinLeft, CDDWinTop, CDDWinWidth, CDDWinHeightInitial position 
                            and size of the directory change window 
        CommandSep          Multiple command separator character 
        CursorIns           Cursor shape in insert mode 
        CursorOver          Cursor shape in overstrike mode 
        DecimalChar         DecimalChar 
        DescriptionMax      Maximum length of file descriptions 
        DescriptionName     Name of file to hold file descriptions 
        Descriptions        Enable / disable description processing 
        EditMode            Editing mode (insert / overstrike) 
        EscapeChar          CMD.EXE escape character 
        EvalMax             Max digits after decimal point in @EVAL 
        EvalMin             Min digits after decimal point in @EVAL 
        ExecWait            Wait for external programs at command line 
        FileCompletion      Filename completion by extension 
        FuzzyCD             Selects Extended Directory Search mode 
        HistCopy            History copy mode 
        HistLogName         History log file name 
        HistMin             Minimum command length to save 
        HistMove            History move mode 
        HistWrap            History wrap mode 
        LineInput           Enable / disable line input mode 
        ListRowStart        Starting row number for LIST and FFIND 
        LogName             Log file name 
        NoClobber           Overwrite protection for output redirection 
        ParameterChar       Alias / batch file parameter character 
        PathExt             Enable or disable the PATHEXT variable 
        PopupWinLeft, PopupWinTop, PopupWinWidth, PopupWinHeightInitial 
                            position and size of popup windows 
        Printer             LIST print device 
        ScreenRows          Screen height 
        TabStops            Tab width in LIST 
        ThousandsChar       Thousands separator 
        UnixPaths           Enable or disable slash in command paths 
        UpperCase           Force file names to upper case 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs