

@LINE[filename,n]:  Returns line n from the specified file.  The first 
line in the file is numbered 0.  "**EOF**" is returned for all line 
numbers beyond the end of the file. 
@LINE works with files having lines of no more than 1023 characters; 
longer lines will not be counted accurately. 
The @LINE function must read each line of the file to find the line you 
request, and will therefore cause significant delays if used in a long 
loop or on a large file.  For a more effective method of processing each 
line of a file in sequence use the FOR command, or @FILEOPEN and a 
sequence of @FILEREADs. 
You can retrieve input from standard input if you specify CON as the 
filename.  If you are redirecting input to @LINE using this feature, you 
must use command grouping or the redirection will not work properly (you 
can pipe to @LINE without a command group; this restriction applies only 
to input redirection).  For example: 

        (echo %@line[con,0]) < myfile.dat

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs