

@EXPAND[filename [,-nrhsda]]:  Returns, on a single line, the names of all 
files and directories that match the filename specification, which may 
contain wildcards and include lists.  Returns an empty string if no files 
match.  If the file list is longer than the allowed command line length, 
it will be truncated without an error message. 
The second argument, if included, defines the attributes of the files that 
will be included in the search.  The attributes are: 
        N   Normal (no attributes set) 
        R   Read-only 
        H   Hidden 
        S   System 
        D   Directory 
        A   Archive 
 The attributes (other than N) can be combined (for example 
 %@EXPAND[MYFILE,HS]).  You can prefix an attribute with "-" to mean 
 "everything except files with this attribute." If the attribute argument 
 is not used, hidden files, system files, and directories will be excluded 
 from the returned list; all other files which match the filename will be 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs