
SCRPUT - Display text in color

 Purpose:    Position text on the screen and display it in color. 
 Format:     SCRPUT row col [BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON [BRIght] bg text 
             row :  Starting row 
             col :  Starting column 
             fg :  Foreground character color 
             bg :  Background character color 
             text :  The text to display 
 See also:  ECHO, SCREEN, TEXT, and VSCRPUT. 
 SCRPUT allows you to create attractive screen displays in batch files. 
  You use it to specify where a message will appear on the screen and what 
 colors will be used to display the message text.  You can use SCRPUT to 
 create menu displays, logos, etc. 
 SCRPUT works like SCREEN, but requires you to specify the display colors. 
  See Colors and Color Names for details about colors and notes on the use 
 of bright background colors. 
 The row and column are zero-based, so on a standard 25 line by 80 column 
 display, valid rows are 0 - 24 and valid columns are 0 - 79.  SCRPUT 
 checks for a valid row and column, and displays a "Usage" error message 
 if either value is out of range. 
 You can also specify the row and column as offsets from the current 
 cursor position.  Begin the value with a plus sign [+] to move down the 
 specified number of rows or to the right the specified number of columns, 
 or with a minus sign [-] to move up or to the left. 
 If you specify 999 for the row, SCRPUT will center the text vertically on 
 the display.  If you specify 999 for the column, SCRPUT will center the 
 text horizontally. 
 SCRPUT does not move the cursor when it displays the text. 
 The following batch file fragment displays part of a menu, in color: 

         cls white on blue
         scrput 6 20 bri red on blu 1 - Word Processing
         scrput 7 20 bri yel on blu 2 - Spreadsheet
         scrput 8 20 bri gre on blu 3 - Communications
         scrput 9 20 bri mag on blu 4 - Quit

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs