
KEYBD - Set the keyboard toggles

 Purpose:    Set the state of the keyboard toggles:  Caps Lock, Num Lock, 
             and Scroll Lock. 
 Format:     KEYBD [/Cn /Nn /Sn ] 
             n :  0 to turn off the toggle, or 1 to turn on the toggle. 
             /C(aps lock)                    /S(croll lock) 
             /N(um lock)                     
 Most keyboards have 3 toggle keys, the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll 
 Lock.  The toggle key status is usually displayed by three lights at the 
 top right corner of the keyboard. 
 This command lets you turn any toggle key on or off.  It is most useful 
 in batch files and aliases if you want the keys set a particular way 
 before collecting input from the user. 
 For example, to turn off the Num Lock and Caps Lock keys, you can use 
 this command: 

         [c:\] keybd /c0 /n0
 If you use the KEYBD command with no switches, it will display the 
 present state of the toggle keys. 
 The toggle key state is typically the same for all sessions, and changes 
 made with KEYBD in one session will therefore affect all other sessions. 
    /C:     (Caps lock) Turn the Caps Lock key on or off. 
    /N:     (Num lock) Turn the Num Lock key on or off. 
    /S:     (Scroll lock) Turn the Scroll Lock key on or off. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs