
HELP - Display help

 Purpose:    Display help for internal commands.  Help for external 
             commands is also available in some cases. 
 Format:     HELP [topic ] 
             topic :  A help topic, internal command, or external command. 
 See also:  The CMD.EXE Help System. 
 Online help is available for CMD.EXE.  The CMD.EXE help system uses the 
 OS/2 help facility. 
 See the Introduction and Installation Guide for a more thorough 
 explanation of the online help available. 
 If you type the command HELP by itself (or press F1 when the command line 
 is empty), the table of contents is displayed.  If you type HELP plus a 
 topic name, that topic is displayed.  For example: 

         help copy
 displays information about the COPY command and its options. 
 You can configure the HELP command to display OS/2's command-line help 
 along with the CMD.EXE's (the default), display only the CMD.EXE help, or 
 display some other combination of help "books".  For details, see the 
 HelpBook directive and your Introduction and Installation Guide. 
 For help on system errors enter the message number in the HELP command, 
 for example: 

         help 3
         help sys0003
 CMD.EXE will invoke OS/2's HELPMSG program to process these requests, and 
 HELPMSG will display any available information on the message number 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs