
DELAY - Pause for a specified length of time

 Purpose:    Pause for a specified length of time. 
 Format:     DELAY [seconds ] 
             seconds :  The number of seconds to delay. 
 DELAY is useful in batch file loops while waiting for something to occur. 
  To wait for 10 seconds: 

         delay 10
 DELAY is most useful when you need to wait a specific amount of time for 
 an external event, or check a system condition periodically.  For 
 example, this batch file checks the battery status (as reported by your 
 Advanced Power Management drivers) every 15 seconds, and gives a warning 
 when battery life falls below 30%: 

         do forever
            iff %_apmlife lt 30 then
               beep 440 4 880 4 440 4 880 4
               echo Low Battery!!
            delay 15
 The seconds value can be as large as 4 million seconds (49 days). 
 For delays shorter than one second, use the BEEP command with an 
 inaudible frequency (below 20 Hz). 
 CMD.EXE uses the minimum possible processor time during a DELAY, in order 
 to allow other applications full use of system resources. 
 You can cancel a delay by pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs