
CLS - Clear the screen

 Purpose:    Clear the video display and move the cursor to the upper left 
             corner; optionally change the default display and border 
 Format:     CLS [[BRIght] [BLInk] fg ON [BRIght] bg ] [BORder bc ] 
             fg :  The new foreground color 
             bg :  The new background color 
             bc :  The new border color 
 CLS can be used to clear the screen without changing colors, or to clear 
 the screen and change the screen colors simultaneously. These three 
 examples show how to clear the screen to the default colors, to bright 
 white letters on a blue background, and to bright yellow letters on a 
 magenta background with a blue border: 

         [c:\] cls
         [c:\] cls bright white on blue
         [c:\] cls bri yel on mag bor blu
 CLS is often used in batch files to clear the screen before displaying 
 See Colors and Color Names for details about colors and notes on the use 
 of bright background colors. 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs