
Waiting for Applications to Finish

When you start an OS/2 Presentation Manager application from the prompt, 
the command processor does not normally wait for the application to finish 
before returning to the prompt. This default behavior allows you to 
continue your work at the prompt while the application is running.  You 
can force CMD.EXE to wait for applications to finish before continuing by 
selecting the "Wait for Completion" option on the Options 2 page of the 
OPTION dialogs, with the ExecWait directive in the .INI file, or with the 
START command's /WAIT switch (you can also use START to control many other 
aspects of how your applications are started). 
Regardless of the ExecWait setting, CMD.EXE always waits for applications 
which are run from batch files before continuing with subsequent commands 
in the batch file.  To start an application from a batch file and continue 
with the batch file immediately, without waiting for the application to 
finish, use the START command (without the /WAIT switch). 

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs