
Time Ranges

A time range specifies a file modification time without reference to the 
date.  For example, to select files modified between noon and 2:00 pm on 
any date, use /[t12:00p,2:00p].  The times in a time range can either be 
in 12-hour format, with a trailing "a" for AM or "p" for PM, or in 24-hour 
If you omit the second argument in a time range, you will select files 
that were modified between the first time and the current time, on any 
date.  You can also use offsets, beginning with a plus sign [+] or a minus 
sign [-] for either or both of the arguments in a time range.  The offset 
values are interpreted as minutes.  Some examples: 

        Specification       Selects Files

        /[t12:00p,+120]     modified between noon and 2:00 PM on any date
        /[t-120,+120]       modified between two hours ago and the
                            current time on any date
        /[t0:00,11:59]      modified in the morning on any date
The HPFS file system maintains 3 sets of date and time for each file: 
creation, last access, and last write.  By default, time ranges work with 
the last write time stamp.  You can use the "last access" (a) or "created" 
(c) time stamp in a time range with the syntax: 

        /[ta...]  or  /[tc...]

Created using Inf-PHP v.2 (c) 2003 Yuri Prokushev
Created using Inf-HTML v.0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs